Kelly and Christian signed up for spring semester classes this morning.  It is a harder schedule than last semester, but it is all on the campus right by our house so there will be a lot less running around.  I think we will be able to drop the kids off in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon everyday.  The kids have three classes in common, but the only one they have together is Calculus II.  The kids both upped their load; Kelly has 16 credits and Christian has 17 credits.  I think the class Kelly is most fired up about is her Public Speaking classes.  Christian is most excited about his Design I art class.

We decided to try to get them each a class that would help them with the research they do at NCSU on the GaugeCam project.  I wanted to get Christian into C++, but they have only one section of that and it was full.  Kelly will take Probability and Statistics so she can help us crunch and present some of the data we gather.  We bought a book on the R statistical programming language that Kelly, Christian and I will study over Christmas break.  Francois Birgand, the professor at NCSU that works with GaugeCam on this research recommended Ross Ihaka‘s course material on R and statistics to take us deeper into the subject, so we are going to have to make time in our schedule for that, too.  I will post some here and on the GaugeCam blog on how that goes.