The Betty Blonde and ChapmanKids web sites, blogs, comic strips, etc. are hosted on a service called We have been there for six years now. Yesterday they experienced a denial of service (DOS) attack that took us off line for a couple of hours. There hard work to keep us informed, get us back on line, and put remedies in place to solve the problem are very much appreciated. I was reminded again of why I am a customer and a fan of this hosting service. I highly recommend them.
I have started blogging again regularly. I had a big blog post written before the DOS attack occurred and I am really thankful it did not get posted as I was pretty irritated and the post was pretty acrimonious. Still, this all got me to considering how we are going to improve the web site. Christian has decided to use Drupal on the rework of his NerdHow web site. I am in the process of figuring out how I can upgrade Kelly’s Betty Blonde site and both the ChapmanKids web site and this blog. Our plan is to make some big changes by the end of the year.
The hardest part about all this is the change in direction required by the fact that the kids have finished homeschool and started college. I want to write about stuff I like that might be relevant and interesting. I like a lot of stuff, but some (if not “much”) of the stuff I spend my time doing is either only relevant to 0.000000001% of the population, or is covered better in other venues. I am sure I will get it all worked out. Kelly and Christian are both have better ideas about what they want to do than I with their web sites. I am looking forward to watching that.
In the meantime, I have returned the Betty Blonde and ChapmanKids sites back to an older state until I get the new stuff worked out.
Aahhh! Familiarity….I like it! I am one who is somewhat resistant to change….
I kind of like the old look myself. I think I will try to find a new look for Betty Blonde first, then try to decide whether I wan to change this at all.