"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Homeschool becomes a hobby

My participation in the day to day operation of the homeschool ground to a stop when we decided to graduate Kelly and Christian from homeschool at the end of the year to put them in college.  I did a bunch of administrative stuff like prepare transcripts, order test results sent to the college, plan schedules, and that sort of thing, but the reading, correcting, planning, explaining math, and the things we did together stopped.  That ending was quite abrupt.  The kids transitioned from school work to end of year testing and that was it.

All that happened just a couple of weeks ago and what followed was not that pretty.  Without something planned to put us together for a purpose, we went different directions.  Kelly often drew her Betty Blonde or read up in her room.  Christian wrote code on his computer.  I worked on my side programming projects and planned for college, mostly on the computer.  Lorena is the only one who did not change her routine.  We were all together, but did our own thing.  Yesterday, we decided we did not like the way things were headed.

We decided we would try continue to read aloud together in the evenings when I get home from work.  The kids like to have something to do with their hands while I am reading.  Of course, Kelly always has a new Betty Blonde she needs to draw so that was taken care of.  Christian decided he wants to knit something while we read so we ran down to JoAnn Fabrics after meeting yesterday and bought some yarn for a new project he has in mind.  I found a good book on the historicity of Jesus and we were off and running.  I read the introduction to them last night on the couch while Kelly drew, Christian knit, and Lorena cooked up the awesome chef salad shown above.  The chef salad made us think of cousin Tim.  We miss him a lot.  Before, we did all our reading together both because we liked it and because it was a necessary part of homeschool.  Now we only do it because we like it.


Moving from Home School to the Community College: High School Transcripts and ACT and CLEP Scores


Homeschool to College: Shifting the burden of planning


  1. Ruthie

    As I have always said, “Homeschooling is a way of life!”

  2. Dad

    “You don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone.” Man, you are up EARLY!!!

  3. Very nice. That connection and enjoyment of being together has proven true for my family as well.


  4. Dad

    Thanks Luke. I bet you hear stories like this every day.

  5. Trisha

    The chef salad looks Delicious! You’re never too old for read-aloud 🙂 I do the read-aloud now but it’s my favorite part of the day when I get the privilege of doing it.

  6. Dad

    We loved the salad. On the read-aloud thing. It used to be that I got a break every now and then. Kelly and Christian took their turns reading, too. Now Kelly needs to work on Betty Blonde all the time and Christian is knitting like a mad man. Both are cool projects and I like to read, so it works for all of us.

  7. Ken, if only you could come over here and pick up with Michaela where you left off over there with Kelly and Christian! LOL.

    Are read-alouds not just the best!! We need to read together more here. Lately it feels like we are scattered to the four winds.

    The book looks very interesting. I was reading the reviews on Amazon from your link. I might be reading that myself. Thanks for the info.


  8. Dad

    We are liking the book a lot. It would be WAY fun to read with Michaela. These books we are reading now are great, but I get pretty nostalgic for the days when we were reading Laura Ingalls Wilder, Henry Reed, and Homer Price, too.

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