Yesterday we changed direction and started reading On Writing Well aloud.  Normally, I read while Kelly draws Betty Blonde.  Christian usually draws, too, but is now the reader.  Although I have done most of the reading in the past, we went through a fairly long period when Kelly was the reader, so it is good that Christian now gets his turn.  He read the introduction and the first short chapter.  The theme of that first chapter is that there is not one right way to write.  We are all inspired now to write.  I was kind of burnt out on writing every day in my blog, but this has given me new wind.  Kelly promised she will jump in here, too.  Christian will spin back up his efforts at Nerdhow.  We want to read a little further in the book, then make a plan on how to do this most effectively.

Along that same line, my boss Andrew has been telling me about how much he enjoys Twitter.  I have been pretty skeptical, but then yesterday, Kelly told me about how she follows Adam Baldwin and Andrew Breitbart on Twitter and gets a big kick out of it.  Maybe there is more to this twitter thing than meets the eye.  I am going to have to look at it a little more closely.  Troy has a Twitter account for GaugeCam and I should be helping to posts some tweets there, too.