I am a feminist! I believe in rights for women everywhere. I don’t think women should be oppressed or downtrodden. That’s wrong. I am not, however, a feminist in the colloquial sense of the word. I am painfully girly. Modern feminists don’t seem girly to me. Like at all.  I’m probably just repeating a cliche, but modern feminists seem to be trying to prove they’re just as strong as men by becoming more like them. Can you say ironic? They’re upholding women’s rights and putting men down, while adopting a faux-man macho attitude.  I’m envisioning a future full of unisex clothing departments and a booming daycare business.  Or maybe not so booming. Anyway, boys and girls are different!  It drives me bonkers when boys treat girls like they’re one of the guys, and girls go along with it.  This happens a LOT with my friends. I know we’re not living in 19th century America, we’re not supposed to act like we’re living in the 19th century, I wouldn’t like to be living in the 19th century, but there are some morals and parts of the culture that I wish we could have kept with us. Men and women have like, zero respect for each other anymore.  Even many of my Christian girlfriends have some weird ideas about feminism and women’s roles in our culture.  I don’t have it all figured out, but I do know this. When in doubt, think pink*!!

*not the feminist group pink, or Victoria’s Secret Pink (although I do adore their T-shirt and perfume line!!!), or the singer Pink, or communists, but just the plain old girly pink color.  I don’t know any boy who likes that.