"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Ramblings on driver’s permits and cold weather clothing

Everyone born during or before March, 1994 has their driver’s permit.  Everyone except me. 

A driver’s license is a necessary tool of survival in the United States.  Driver’s permits are the necessary step to obtain the necessary tool.  In North Carolina, you are eligible for one if you are at least 14 and a half and have taken the special Driver’s Ed class at your local school.  When I was 14 and a half, I was young and naive.  The thought of a driver’s permit never crossed my dense little head.  When I was 15 and a half I started waking up to reality, and realized that all of my friends had something that I didn’t.  I was behind the times.  Mom and I began to frantically search for driver’s schools and driver’s manuals and driver’s ed.  I am now 15 and eight months old, and at long last am enrolled in a driver’s education class at the local private school.  Which means that I won’t be able to get my actual license until I’m most of the way through my 16th year.  But that’s OK I guess.  It’s a learning experience.

Things are getting cold here in North Carolina. The tips of everyone’s toes and fingers and noses are all chillier than a Dairy Queen Blizzard.  Mom and I are pulling out the plaid skirts, the long-long skirts, the footless tights, the thick tights, the fuzzy socks, the cable sweaters, the knee length coats, the knee high boots, the furry boots, the fashionable scarves, the unfashionable scarves, the winter hats, the rain coats, the fuzzy-lined coats, the long sleeve tees and the gloves that never seem to be able to keep your hands warm!  We have an extensive collection of winter clothing from all those years living in Oregon.  In fact, when we moved to North Carolina I remember only having one pair of shorts! I now have five.


Keeping up with everything


Weight lifter pants and programming all day


  1. Do not feel bad. Joseph is 18 and we are just now working on having him acquire his license. There are a number of reasons, but he’s fine. He’s ready now, that’s for sure. We’re looking into private classes. You are not alone. 🙂


  2. Deanne Watson

    You are definitely not alone. It is very common here for students not to get their license until they are eighteen or more. I have found some students actually enjoy spending the time reading, finishing homework, etc instead of worrying about crazy drivers, unusual roadworkers crossing the street in front of you, or even the stray animal crossing the road. I enjoy reading your family’s blog.

  3. Brett

    lol, i am in the proccess of getting my permit this week. 🙂 i already missed my test by ONE! 🙁

  4. Trisha

    The thing about driving is well you have to drive. Then your Dad will want to write code in the passenger seat while you take him to Red Robin on Sunday for his bottomless fries. Driving is fun as long as someone else is doing it and you’re watching the scenery, or if you are competing in the Indy 500 other than that, HEY.. do you hire out for Chauffeur duties?

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