"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: September 16, 2009

Snail Mail

The other day I received a handwritten letter in the mail from one of my best friends in Oregon.  It wasn’t very long and it’s contents weren’t particularly exciting, but I loved it. I read it three times. I felt like Queen Victoria or Anne Shirley or one of the March sisters. There is just something special about receiving a handwritten letter just for you from a good friend. It’s better than a thousand notifications or friend requests or e-mails.  It’s definitely on my Favorite Things list, right up there with the Lord of the Rings and homemade Mac and Cheese. The only problem is that handwritten, just-for-you letters are so uncommon now.  Maybe that’s what makes them so special, but I think that if snail mail was the only form of communication I would still be just as excited to receive one as I am now. 

I love reading old books, where the characters write extremely long, detailed letters to each other. It inspires me. I know it’s so much fun to receive a nice long letter that will last for a while, so I try to write really long (non-boring) letters for other people. That’s almost more fun than getting a detailed letter.  In the online world however, I fail miserably. My typical (boring) online correspondence will go like this:

Hey!!!! What’s up?
Nm u?
Sammmee… lotsa homework
Bleh. Me too 😛
So are you going to _____?
Ya, maybe if I can get out of school. Hope so!
Kewl 🙂

Bad spelling, lots of smileys (that’s not such a bad thing actually), and nothing to talk about. I know better! I TRY not to be a stereotype, but hey. I’m a teenager in a texting world. It’s tough.

So I’m going to start writing a LOT more letters to other people. Interesting, informative, timely letters. Emphasis on timely… I often write the letters, but fail to send them. But if I do make my letters interesting, informative and timely just think! I could start a fad! Plus, if I wrote to two or three people a week, and they each responded and sent a letter as soon as they received mine, I could receive at least one letter a week!  That would be awesome!

Mexican Independence Day

The Mexican “Grito de Dolores” that started the Mexican revolution occurred just before midnight on September 15, 1810.  That is 199 years ago yesterday.  Today, September 16, is the official Mexican Independence Day and also our very good friend Vanesa Batista’s birthday.  Vanesa was Lorena’s best friend in Florida when we lived there right after we got married, so calling her is part of our Independence Day ritual.  This seems like a very good occasion to eat some tacos!

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