"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Aunt Julia is here

We all love it when Aunt Julia comes.  I get kind of manic because she is my sister and we do not get to see her often enough.  She talked about the books, Outliers and Three Cups of Tea (she actually organized a talk that Greg Mortenson gave in Portland before his book was published), the value of life-long learning, the joy of statistics, cooking, Betty Blonde, her (very cool) job, and a ton of other stuff.  A classic, only Aunt Julia would do it, kind of thing that she did was let us know that the text in the Betty Blonde comic she receives in the mail every day is very hard to read.  That was great.  We did not know that.  So, after she showed it to us, we looked at the text on the Betty Blonde web site and that was hard to read, too.  So, Kelly is going to try to make the text bigger and more well formed.  We would not have known that unless Aunt Julia told us (or, DUH, we would have looked for ourselves).

Today, there are big plans.  Everyone is going to run down to the YMCA to work out.  There will have to be a cooking session.  Julia has been cooking since she was a Child, so it is absolutely necessary for Kelly and Christian to get in on some of that.  Christian is going to install some stuff on her computer for her so she can work on her website–she sells personalized crafty kinds of things, imagine that.  The only problem is that she will be gone tomorrow!


Use of Facebook lowers grades?


A pleasant evening with Aunt Julia


  1. Youngin

    Aunt Julia sounds COOL! Everyone loves an aunt like that. Enjoy your time together! BTW, clever play on names. 🙂

  2. Dad

    Thanks Youngin. We have to get you over to meet Julia (and Jean and Doug, too), as well as Lorena’s brothers when they come. I feel bad it did not happen this time.

  3. Youngin

    Ahhh, no worries. Time together is always too short, and there won’t be enough to spare anyway!

  4. Trisha

    Ok where was she to teach me the JOY of Statistics when I was SUFFERING and I do mean SUFFERING through Statistics.

  5. Dad

    Actually, Trisha, we DID have that discussion. I think struggling through statistics is a common malady. I know I suffered through it one fine spring semester when the sun was shining!

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