"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

We actually worked on the yard

This morning, after we returned from Costco, Christian and I ran down to Lowes to pick up a chop saw and a stand to put on it so we could build a a raised bed.  We bought the wood and screws for it last night after work.  We had originally planned to build three, but we decided we should build only one first so we could see if we could do it right.  Lorena bought a pickup load of bark dust while we were at Lowes.  Then, while I assembled the saw and stand, Christian cut the lawn for the first time this year, while Lorena put down weed barrier plastic in the flower bed in front of the house.  When she was ready, I shoveled the bark dust where she wanted it.  We still need another pickup load, but we made good progress for one day.

Bark dust

Then, Christian helped me finish putting together the saw:

Chop saw

After that, Christian and I built the raised bed. We still have to fill it with dirt, make two more of them, fill THEM with dirt, put some paving bricks around the whole shebang in an aesthetically appealing sort of way, fill the paved off area with a plastic week barrier covered by gravel.

Raised bed


Taking on the lawn


Playing with the neighbor kids


  1. Ruthie

    Looks very clean and neat.

  2. Dad

    Thanks, Ruthie. Actually, it looks a LOT smaller than we expected. That is why we think we need to do two more. It was a good reminder that garden work is NEVER over. I think that is the good and bad of it.

  3. Karen

    Great progress! Nice day here to a bit of outside work got thrown into the mix too! Looks great!!

  4. Dad

    Thanks Karen! We had a ball, too. I am heading over to your site right now to look for pictures!

  5. This warm weather out west is making us think about working in our yard. . .ugh, that’s going to involve Grandpa Joyce’s Kabota tracker for starters! The yard is looking good on your end though!

  6. Dad

    Man, we are excited to see what you do with your yard after that big house remodel! Amazing.

  7. Looks very nice!! I hope you’ll show us what ends up in the raised beds and how many you end up doing. I love the idea of raised beds, but we don’t have any right now. Well, I have terraced beds for my flowers in front, which are sort of like raised beds, but nothing like that for vegetables.


  8. Dad

    Thanks Lynn. I am not the boss of whats in the boxes. In fact, I am not even the boss of “making the boxes”. All I am is the labor of making the boxes. The boxes were VERY fun to make and cheap, too. I am not sure what all Lorena will put in there, but I am sure there will be some cucumbers and some tomatoes. We are going to try to do some other stuff for flowers, but that will probably be a bigger project for next summer. Our gardening is no where in the same league as what we have seen on your blog. Your gardens are AMAZING!

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