"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33


On Thursday, I bought a hook, on Friday I taught myself how, on Saturday I practiced, and on Sunday I crocheted an adorable, tiny  amigurumi tiger!  According to Wikipedia, amigurumi is the Japanese art of knitting or crocheting stuffed dolls. Amigurumi can be as simple as This or This and as complex as This orThis. Simple or Difficult, the end result is always adorable!!! My modest little tiger is not quite finished yet as he doesn’t have any eyes or other facial features, but as soon as he does, I’ll take a picture and post it up!

I got the pattern from this really cool magazine that Dad got for me called Knit.1  It included an easy starting project for knitting lace that I want to do, and of course the 12 amigurumi zodiac animal patterns. 🙂  I am soooo excited about all my crafting! I have a blue and green scarf that’s almost done, 1/4 of a pair of purple fingerless gloves done, 9/10ths of the way done with an embroidered Betty Blonde napkin, a new fruit-themed napkin to embroider, TONS of amigurumi, Betty Blonde (of course) and maybe some knitted lace! Yay!

So on Thursday (maybe Friday) my neighbor friend Jenna came over in the afternoon and went with us to Christian’s guitar lesson.  We went to the Micheal’s that is right next door to the music store where Christian takes lessons, and looked at all the yarn. Jenna and I are crafting buddies now that she has learned to knit.  An added benefit of being her friend: someone gave her a huge box full of embroidery and cross stitch goodies and she is kind enough to share with me. 🙂  After that we all went to the gym. I usually do the ellyptical with mom, but this time Jenna and I walked around the track.  After that we went home and she and Christian and I all dissected the worm. Thankfully Jenna was brave enough to pull the worm out of the dead animal bag.  Unfortunately, all of the animals were placed in one big bag, with nothing separating them. 😛  We had SO much fun dissecting the worm though!!!  I was surprised! I thought I’d be really squeamish (and I was at first), but it was awesome.


A two hour snow day


Staying on track takes discipline


  1. Catherine

    I enjoyed reading about all your crafty craft projects. (Sorry I didn’t get to see some of it yesterday.) Then I read about the dead animal bag and for some reason that really amused me perhaps it was the mental picture? LOL! I really enjoy reading your writing, you have a very nice way of expressing yourself. 😉

  2. Audrey

    Okay, so I guess I’m not too weird…I thought perhaps I was the only person in the world who enjoyed dissecting, washing my hands, and going on to some crafting/sewing project!

  3. Kelly

    Aw thanks Catherine! I’ll show my projects to you sometime soon if you’ll show me yours! We should totally get some people together and have a crafting night sometime!
    LOL about the dead animal bag… I can assure you that the only animals I won’t amigurumi are worms, perch, frogs and crawdads. 🙂

    Mrs. G: Haha!!! I think we’re both COOL and hip, and everyone else is just weird.

  4. Kelly,
    Me encanta toda tu energia y entusiasmo que tienes para hacer manualidades!!
    Tambien me has insipirado en dedicar tiempo para formar los albums de fotografias:)
    Tu mami,

  5. Trisha

    Kelly, YOU have to teach me how!

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