We had a two hour snow delay here at work. They shut down all the government schools and many of the private schools in the area. It never crossed my mind that we might have a good snow in North Carolina in March. Amazing. It rained most of the weekend, too. We enjoyed that by spending most of the day inside doing crafts and working on the computer. We bought Kelly a knitting magazine when we went to the Borders while Lorena was shopping at Costco. She spent most of Saturday crocheting here way through the animals of the Chinese Zodiac. Hopefully she will write about that and put up some pictures over the next couple of weeks. On Sunday evening, the kids cleaned up the kitchen and the bonus room for Lorena. Christian untangled all the rats nest of cables up there. Now we need to hang them on a peg-board, but we have to get a peg-board first.
When I got onto the computer this morning, I noticed that we were missing all the bookmarks. I falsely accused Christian of overwriting the bookmarks when he installed Xubuntu on Kelly’s eeePC. Then, when I got into work, I a message came up when I was using Firefox that said there is a bug in Firefox/Foxmarks that causes the default bookmarks to replace the stored bookmarks. Sorry about that Christian. I zapped all the bookmarks, but have them saved on my laptop at home, but have decided our bookmarks are getting to messy anyway, so we are going to start over from scratch. Xubuntu is an amazing solution for even a minimal eeePC like Kelly’s that has only 2G of RAM. I hope Christian is going to write about it in Nerdhow. I liked it so much that I replaced it on the old Linux/Homeschool computer that will now be Lorena’s computer. The new Dual Boot Ubuntu/Vista (soon to be Windows 7) computer is supposed to get here on Wednesday.
Ken, I remember asking Dad, and I think he said we can get snow in April!
Hunter, that would be very cool!