Grandma Sarah’s twin sister Janet has a granddaughter (Jon and Sharon’s oldest) who has moved just a couple of hours north of Monterrey to work in the Rio Grande Valley for a program called Teach for America. Some of the poorest schools in the country are there. She will be a teacher at one of those schools. She is a wonderful writer with a very interesting voice. She is keeping a blog that I expect will always be interesting. I have put a link to her blog in my blog roll on the left-hand side of this page. You can also click here to get there.

The day is already off to an inauspicious start. When I got to work, I made the coffee and set down to update the weightloss chart, read my email, check the news on the internet, read a couple of blogs I check every day, and write in my own blog. Right after I sat down, I adjusted my glasses and they broke in half. There was no way to fix them, so I went out to my pickup in the parking lot to get my spare glasses in the glove box there. Somehow they had been sitting wrong so they rubbed against something so now I have a permanent mark on them right in the middle of the spot through which I look to work on my computer. It takes forty minutes to run to the store and back to get glasses, so I have decided to wait until lunch or after work to get some new ones. That, however, does not mean I will not complain loudly about this irritation. Complaining can be quite cathartic in the right circumstances.