Kelly took here second CLEP test today. The one she took was History of the United States I: Early Colonization to 1877 for three semester hours of college credit. She did great and will now be going on to take the History of the United States II (3 hours), Spanish (12 hours), Analyzing Literature (6 hours), Biology (3 hours), Sociology (3 hours), and Psychology (3 hours) next year. We really did not want her to take so many CLEP tests next year, but the local community college, Wake Tech, is not very friendly to homeschoolers who are under the age of 16 even if they have a demonstrated ability to do the work. So, we will just have her take a few more CLEP tests next year and the year after. If we are still around when she arrives at her Junior year in high school, we will sign her up.

We have found that one of the tests accepted by the state of North Carolina as a nationally normed, standardized test for homeschoolers is the ACT test. Both Kelly and Christian will take it at the end of each school year starting next year. It is really a college entrance exam, but that is good, because it will give them practice on taking a test they will need when the time comes to go to college.