I have a three day weekend starting after work today because we have Good Friday off this year. The kids are going to go ahead and do their homeschool because we are going to be visiting Kitty Hawk for a few days next week and we do not want to get behind. There are lots of exciting things happening in the next couple of weeks, especially our time with our Texas Friends on the Outer Banks. It will be great to compare notes with some other homeschoolers.

It might have seemed like a little thing yesterday that Kelly was able to pass her Freshman English Composition CLEP test, but for our little homeschool it was a pretty big deal. We did not know if she was prepared at the level required to pass the test, so it was quite satisfying that she was able to do as well as she did. The American Council of Education (ACE is the accreditation body for such things) gives recommendations for both the score required on each test to receive credit and the score thresholds for A-C grades. The school where we are currently planning to send her accepts CLEP test credits, but count them as passes that are not used in the calculation of her grade point average. Kelly scored high enough to get an “A” and it would have been nice to get the GPA boost with those credit hours, but we are all very happy with just the credit. More than anything, it gave her (and us) encouragement and confidence to continue on our current homeschool path.