Christian went to the museum this weekend with his friends Hunter and Sterling. He thought the museum was awesome and had an absolutely great time. I would really like to see the thing myself now. Hunter’s mother Lisa stopped in for a cup of coffee just long enough for Kelly to get a chance to play with Hunter’s little sister Emma and to show off their new baby brother. Lorena goes pretty nuts around babies. She was raving about the baby for the rest of the weekend. What a great family. In the mean time, I continued to work through the last outstanding items on my list before the big product trial at my job. It is pretty nerve-wracking right now, but we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Kelly has taken to designing here own embroidery patterns. I think she was just getting sick of waiting for us to take her to the craft store. At any rate, they are very cool. Here are her first two. You can hardly tell her birthday is coming up.

She has promised to make me a “Grandpa Lauro smiley face” embroidery for one of my pull-over sweaters.

Note from Kelly: Thank you cousin Trisha for teaching me how to embroider!!! 🙂