"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: March 18, 2008

Kaktus Kids March 2008!

Click here to download the March 2008 issue of KaktusKids.

It’s here!


Christian, Kelly Spike (and Betty Blonde and Big Wilma send their love btw)

A leather craft kit

When I was in Junior High School in Klamath Falls, we had quite a good shop class teacher. The things I remember most are the woodwork and leather-craft projects. Last weekend, when I was feeling guilty about having to work so much and trying to think I something all of us could do together as a family, the wallet I made when I was eighth grade came to mind. Christian and I got onto the internet and found a starter kit that includes everything we need to make a wallet, a key chain fob, a coaster, a coin purse, and one other thing which I cannot remember. The kit includes a mallet, leather, designs, instructions, chemicals, lacing and sewing material, and everything else we need to complete our project. I think we are going to try to do that this Saturday as we wait for Kelly’s friend Ethne to get her on Sunday. All of us, especially Lorena, are going to make one of the items. If we like it, we can get some more!

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