On Monday nights we have been going for about a 45 minute drive out to a small town Southeast of where we live to a Spanish language bible study.  The bible studies are nice, but the time spent in the car talking to the family are really super, too.  The breadth of topics that come up while confined in a car at night for an hour and a half is really breath-taking.  Christian’s seemingly bottomless pit of science questions are getting harder and harder to answer, partly because he does a lot of his own reading on things that interest him (which is mostly science) and I cannot get away with making stuff up anymore.  It is really fun to talk about a lot of that stuff.  As for the other topics, sometimes the angst is palpable, but most of the time we are laughing or talking about God.  It is all good, but the topics are not always so comfortable.  I am really quite thankful for these times and am sure I will always remember them fondly.