"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Month: August 2007

Drawing, programming, and goofing off

This weekend we have nothing big planned.  Lorena and I want to start an exercise program and we have a potluck between meetings on Sunday, but other than that, we do not have much to do.  The good part about that is that I really do not want to do much.  I think breakfast at Biscuitville and a visit to the Holly Springs Public Library would be nice.  I hope the Palm TX PDA Christian got with his summer money (that he very deservedly earned) comes by Friday so he can play with it.  Maybe we can work on setting him up to program it, too.  We need to find a good C++ or BASIC development environment to run on either Windows or Linux.  The main thing is for him to keep going on his already great start at programming.  I think we have a variety of options, but we will have to check them out.  The other thing we want to do is draw a little.  The only thing we need to accomplish before we start the next drawing is to get Kelly to finish her drawing of Merle so we can all start off fresh together on a new subject with no one being left behind.  Beyond all that, my main goal for the weekend is just to goof off a little, maybe going to a museum or something like that if it is not too much effort.

On another note, it is Grandpa Milo’s 78th birthday today.  Hard to imagine.  He is very healthy and planning to come out here to look at lumber in the next few weeks for our little Quality Corners business.

Finding a piano teacher

After getting out to North Carolina, we had a struggle finding Kelly a piano teacher.  We found one who is very nice and seems to be very good, but when we spoke with Kelly’s old teacher, we found this teacher was one who would be absolutely great with students who had just started up to about syllabus level 6.  Neither Lorena nor I are competent to find a piano teacher of the right level of ability and attitude for Kelly.  Jill let us know that we should not under appreciate Kelly’s talent, she has a good work ethic, and we should find her the very best teacher possible.  Then she offered to find one for us, so she has been talking to a bunch of teachers in the area.  The one she thought was best is going to hear Kelly play this afternoon, Jill is going to talk to one other on the telephone, then we are going to make our decision.  It is a very exciting time as Kelly gets to move on to another level of piano skill.  It would have been neat for her to be able to do that with Jill, but this will be good, too, and we certainly plan to stay in touch with Jill as Kelly proceeds.

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