Last night we got to talking about what a waste it is to spend too much time browsing the internet or playing computer games.  The kids decided that wanted to really work on doing some other things.  Both of the kids have plenty of reading, writing, music, and other things to do beyond homeschool, but Christian and I got to talking about some of the things he really enjoys doing.  One of those things was the construction of a working model of a motor.  I have been wanting to do some kind of a project with Christian.  Not a little project, but a big one that takes us all of one summer or even a year to complete.  After looking around the internet, I found this page.  Two high school kids built a one man hovercraft for around $200 in their garage.  Wow!  That is what I am talking about.  I think that would be awesome.  We even have a pond in the back yard where we could try the thing out.  Well, I started looking around and I found some more projects that looked very cool.  This one was very fun, too.  But this is the one I think we should get after we build a leaf blower one first.