Yesterday, Kelly and Christian both had friends over for most of the day. Kelly’s friend Megan stayed the night. Christian’s friend, Connor was gone by the time I got home from work, but Lorena is going to take Connor and his mom with her when she takes Christian to his guitar lesson today. Some kind of a transition is taking with Christian and the guitar. Until now, I think he has been establishing a base of knowledge on how to play chords, read music, and that sort of thing, but lately his playing is taking on a quality that is truly a joy to hear. Really he has only been in guitar for half a year so far, so I am very happy with where these lessons are going. I was talking to him about it last night and he explained that his three years of piano had helped tremendously. Lorena talked to a man about giving Kelly and Christian singing lessons starting at the end of September with the idea that they can learn how to sing parts. I do not know about the kids, but personally, I am very excited about the prospect.
I spent a hard day programming at work yesterday. Then, when I got home, the kids were mostly playing together, so I took the time to do some Linux program. I was able to get a bunch of my vision libraries to build as shared libraries for use in Linux. The next step is to make these libraries callable from Mono C#.