Over the last couple of days, we did some hard core drawing, so we are a little burnt out on that.  We have a new special drawing  project on which we are going to work (thanks to Trisha) that might take us awhile so please stay tuned.  In the meantime, I am really starting to feel the pinch on getting ready for next years homeschool.  The kids are supposed to start in on their math on Monday next, but I have done nothing yet to get ready.  In addition, we have to put the finishing touches on the research reports and get them published.  i am going to try to get the first week of school lined up this weekend so that I do not have it hanging over my head.  All but a few items that are already on the way are on the homeschool bookshelf.  We have a great new writing program for Kelly coming called Analogies and a book on logic called Fallacy Detective that I want to do with both Kelly and Christian.