"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

After some negotions, we accept an offer

Well, we are getting very close to selling the house!  We have accepted an offer that includes a July 26 close date.  We are very thankful that we can start looking for a house of our own now.  I hope there is no glitch!  We are going to start looking at neighborhoods and properties on Saturday with the idea that we will likely build (unless I can talk Lorena out of it!).  The great part is that our real estate agent who got connected to meeting through Steve (the fireman) and Audrey from the Spokane area, has a daughter named Sarah who is a year older than Kelly and at about the same level in piano.  We got connected up with her and will start piano lessons on Thursday.  She gave us a clues on how to find a guitar teacher for Christian, too.

It rained like crazy yesterday which, every says means that it will be really humid for awhile.  The kids first tennis lesson got canceled due to the rain.  When the tennis instructor called, Lorena mentioned that Christian and Kelly are homeschooled so they set up the lessons for Fridays in the morning rather than Tuesdays at 6:00 at night.  That will be better for all of us.  The piano teacher was quite happy with a morning schedule, too.


We have an offer on the house


Kelly makes desserts for Dad’s company picnic


  1. JoAnn Waldo

    Ken, that is great about the house. Ryan called for the key that we have….I have let the grandboys use it as their jail key! However the good news is that I had put up nails for the keys in the jail and they were hanging in place 🙂 I’m glad you won’t forget about your connections to Albany! It was 103 or so here yesterday and humid but maybe not as humid as NC. As you know, we are going to New York in Sept and I have been having fun finding out about my grandparents and great grandparents and their families coming into Ellis Island. It will be so awesome to see and feel the history there. My grandfather Gustav Roth came in 1905 to seek his fortune and to have freedom not found in Russia. He was of German stock living in Berlin, Russia. Well he didn’t find fortune despite his working very hard, but he did find freedom as well as truth! I’m thankful for his faithful life.

  2. Dad

    JoAnn, What an awesome post! No way are we going to lose our connection with Albany! We will be back to see you at least a couple of times in the next six months (for orthodontist appointments) and I still consider Oregon to be my home. The story about your ancestors and Ellis Island really touches a warm spot in my heart. My Finnish great grandmother came onto Ellis Island in the late 1800’s before she made her way out to Wyoming and then Oregon in the 1890’s. Have you ever thought of starting a blog? It is really easy and you have some cool trips planned that we would all love to hear about. Especially about the really cool trip you have planned to North Carolina. You really ought to think about it because you certainly have a lot of material to write about and a lot of friends who would love to read it.

  3. Marilyn Pedersen

    Good morning to the new Carolinians! We’re glad you’re here but wish you were closer! Plan a “fall trip” to the Smoky Mountain National Park and stay with us! The leaves are gorgeous! But before that, plan on Pulaski VA for an early convention (Labor Day weekend)–can’t let go of Pulaski from my DC days. Heather’s family goes there as well. We’re in Frankin in the very western tip of NC. Our meeting is in the Georgia field (Jennifer Grady and Joy Gentile (Joy lived in West Linn for about 2 years as a child). We’re physically =o) in Slade Blend and Ian Simpson’s (NC) field…tough place to be…we enjoy a set of bro and sis and the extra visits and Gospel meetings we benefit from! Last night Angie Edmond (GA) was in our meeting…little meeting but we’re fed well! Demorest GA is our home convention (Robert Flippo’s old stompin’ grounds)…and we also get a day or two at Knoxville KY. We leave for Minn. tomorrow and will return the 26th. Come visit us SOOOON! I’m just anxious to see the “new” Ken and the fine gang that keeps him in order!!! Expect those shirts are IRONED now! =oP

  4. Dad

    Thanks for the great note! Pulaski sounds great. That is the same time as Boring II convention in Oregon. I knew Joy when she was a little baby in San Jose, California. I also knew Gary and Sharon in Arizona, Oregon, Georgia, and Florida. They are great folks. We love Robert. He and Kevin K. invited us to a Spanish language bible they were having Friday night and we just loved it. It looks like we have the house sold in North Carolina, so we are North Carolinians for good now.

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