Every day when I drive to work, I drive by either a large pond or a small lake. After a few days, I started noticing a bird that looks like a Blue Heron. It is really quite beautiful and I see it almost every day now. It reminded me of a very type of bird (if not the same) that we often saw in fields and ponds in Oregon. Then at lunch time yesterday I got in a discussion with several people about the types of wild life the have here in North Carolina. From what I can tell, they have very similar animals to those that live in Oregon. There are no Elk, Mule Deer or Antelope, but there are bear, mountain lion, white tail deer, raccoon, fox, coyote, etc., etc. There is lots and lots of forest land here, but unlike Oregon most of it is privately owned. It is a beautiful part of the world.
JoAnn Waldo
Ken, one thing that they DO NOT have in North Carolina is the Waldo’s. They are actually quite rare in that part of the world. Just thought you might like to know that. Sorry I have been so silent but life has been busy. We went to see your family this am
We will haul away some junk for Lorena. She is so cute! How did you ever get so lucky to find someone like her? The house is all packed and everything cleaned ready for the movers….all without complaining!!! The reason I sent the prayer was that Kelly and I were IMing and I said I would send it to her. Wasn’t that helpful? Say Ken we would like to have a little lunch for you on Sunday. I know the movers will be there and that you will be anxious for all to come together, but we thought we could just make something easy for you to eat here or to take home with you. What do you think? We are already missing you in the meeting and the neighborhood. Parma was so very good and I’m so thankful for the way our Father has shown me how to love. I do so want to put it in practice!
WHITE tailed deer? Wow. What is that?
Oh my Kelley DON’T EVER ASK Your UNCLE MERLE that question!
They are a small deer much like a rat they proliferate quite quickly, and are somewhat of a pest in many areas, I hear they taste good though!
JoAnn, thanks for all of your and Jim’s help, not only now but during our entire stay in Albany. You are definitely going to have to make your way out to North Carolina! How have the survived so long without Waldos??? Thanks for the offer. It sounds great. I think I am going to send Lorena and the kids to meeting while I keep the guys going loading the truck. We can play it by ear, but it sounds like a wonderful offer!
Trisha!!! She just thought they were big dogs or something. She is so used to the Elk and Mule deer we have in Oregon. Merle should be proud!!!
P.S. She is still praying for him.
WHEW I am relieved! I will let Dad know she is still praying for him!
Of course, for Merle, it might be somewhat of a problem. The smaller the deer, the harder they are to hit.