Dad left at 4:00 AM this morning, his pickup crammed full with luggage and books on tape.  He met with Craig Jacobsen at 10:00 AM in LaGrande (a wonderful little town) and should be happily on his way to Ontario (?) by now.  We are bumbling about on our last week of homeschool and working hard on our Annual Research Reports for 2007.  Boy, has this year gone by quickly or what?  It has been more than a year since we left Texas and now we are leaving Oregon for North Carolina!  Mom is thinking about posting up on the blog now!  That is exciting!  And we finished another perfect issue of Kaktus Kids!  Speaking of Kaktus Kids, when you post a comment up on the Kaktus Kids post, it is much like giving us a tip.  We appreciate it because we need the feedback. 😉  During the weeks that Dad is gone, Christian and I will be swimming a lot more.  Swimming provides much more exercise than  tennis anyway.