Homeschool day 45 of 180
Government school day 35 of 170 ***students not in class today***
Yesterday evening was one of those evenings that we all have every now and that you just wish you could do over. I got a cold, homeschool was a challenge, and I was only able to accomplish about a third of the computer stuff I needed to get done last night to have everything ready for the kids homeschool tomorrow. They will have to use the old computer one more day and I will get to stay home this evening so I will not give everyone a cold at the party we were planning to attend. Well, they should still have fun and I will have some nice, quiet time with computers.. The kids are wearing costumes to the party and they are pretty excited about that. They are going, surprisingly enough, as Mexicans. Who would have imagined that?
WE would have imagined that!
DAD!!! Don’t you know!?!?!??!??!
We are dressing up as americans dressing up as mexicans!!!!
P.S. ᾗΦ ϾϴϻῤϔἕῆΔφ