Kelly and Christian start music lessons again today. We found a very interesting homeschooled lady who got a degree in Music from SMU and married a fellow homeschooler after her graduation from high school. This will be Christian’s first guitar lesson while Kelly will continue with her piano. Christian has enjoyed his guitar very much, even before he started in on his lessons. The teacher has not had much experience with guitar, but will at least be able to get Christian going this year. We really want him to study classical guitar, but want convenience over just about everything else until we get out of our apartment and into a house again.

Today is January, Friday the 13th. That means tomorrow is Lorena’s birthday. Our plan is to run up to McKinney to look at some property and then take Lorena out to Red Lobster for dinner. We heard that we might be receiving another offer on the house in the next few days. If that is true, it will be great to actually think about buying our own place. If it is not true, it will help us get a little bit more of a sense for what is available.

Last night, I ordered the history book Christian was missing and I also ordered Rosetta Stone Spanish. I think I am going to have Kelly go through that for the rest of this year and then move over to French (possibly with me) while I will have Christian stick with Spanish for at least a couple of years before he moves to French.