Yesterday, Ron was supposed to have a CNC laser vendor give him a demo of their equipment at our Quality Corners facility in Idaho. The guy showed up, but could not get the demo to work because of some driver issues. I have been working with a friend here to get some sample parts made using a CNC router. We are planning to cut the parts on Saturday morning.

I have also spun back up my effort to develop a Linux based machine vision project. I loaded Fedora Core 4 onto an old computer at home, loaded the software I had written previously, and it ran perfectly. I think I will keep working on it as I have time. I am going to define a minimum level of functionality I want to have before I put the code out for public consumption. Then, I will define two or three other additional levels of functionality that follow a logical growth path. It was pretty fun getting the code going.

Lorena made a good sized batch of peach freezer jam yesterday. She is going to make another batch today. The kids enjoyed picking blueberries so much, they are planning to go out and pick wild blackberries at Jim and Joann Waldo’s house today. They are thinking of making some jam.