I ordered the majority of next year’s homeschool books from Sonlight before I left for vacation in Mexico. They were waiting for us in the neighbors garage when we got home. Kelly and Christian helped me sort through them to assure they had all properly arrived, then I accumulated the instruction programs into their respective notebooks. All in all, it is an impressive array of books. The kids are already looking forward to getting started.

I had a chance to look at the test scores for the California Acheivment Test that the kids took earlier this spring. Of a total of 120 questions on each of the tests, Kelly missed 2 and Christian missed 6. Most of the test results were not meaningful because both Kelly and Christian appear to operating at a higher level than the level for which the test is designed. The only semi-meaningful piece of information was that Christian is testing at about a sixth grade level for math while Kelly is testing at about an eighth grade level. We knew the kids were a little bit lower in math than in other areas for having spent the previous three years in the government school system. That being said, they are both two years ahead of grade level and should be catching up to their natural level.

Cal and Lily Harper wrote a note congratulating Christian for his drawing that appeared in the Albany Democrat Herald while we were gone. Wouldn’t you know it. The picture got published during the one week when we have our paper cancelled. We will have to try to get a copy frome someone to put in Christian’s scrapbook.

The kids are happy playing now with the neighbor kids and life is slowly returning to normal after their three week long stay in Mexico.

Update: I just sent out the orders for the last two items we need for next year’s homeschool. They are Igniting Your Writing and Easy Grammar. It is going to be a busy year because, in addition to what we did last year, we are going to add the new Spanish program we picked up in Mexico.