On Friday night we invited my cousins Tim and Dave Meekum over to our house for dinner along with Jim and Joanne Waldo. Jim is the elder of our Sunday morning meeting. On Saturday, we ran over to spend a little bit of time at Nye Beach in Newport, then ran up to Depoe Bay to have some clam chowder at the Chowder Bowl. The chowder was not to good, but the day was a lot of fun.

On Sunday, the Ramsdells and the Meyers came over for dinner after meeting. Mark had to run to Portland so he could catch a plane to Singapore on Monday, but the rest of us went down to Saginaw to gospel meeting at the convention grounds. Christian got sick on the way home, but the rest of the trip was pretty uneventful. We did see Tony and Martha at the meeting who are back from their wedding and honeymoon in Texas.