
This is just a stab at curriculum choices for the kids. This will take some refinement, but I believe it is a good first pass. The areas that I have not investigated thoroughly are History, Language (English), Writing, and Art. The former three because I am assuming I will get them from SonLight and the latter, because Lorena will be selecting, teaching, and participating in the vast majority of the art program (I am somewhat challenged in that area).

Times, locations, support materials, and other considerations will be addressed as we move forward and think of them. I will also make a good attempt to keep track of the costs of the programs. There are a couple items in the chart that I have not yet addressed in any post. I will discuss my thoughts on Spanish and the Logic program for Kelly in tomorrow morning’s post.

Kelly’s Curriculum

Subject Program Level
Math Singapore Mathematics Based on placement exam
Science RealScience-4-Kids Chemistry – Level 1
Spanish Identify program with help from Minita To be determined
Logic Mind Benders, Red Herrings Need to investigate
History Sonlight Grade 5
Language Sonlight Grade 5
Writing Sonlight Grade 5
Music Mrs. Hickenlooper Fifth year
Art Lorena will decide Whatever is appropriate
Physical Education To be determined To be determined

Christian’s Curriculum

Subject Program Level
Math Singapore Mathematics Based on placement exam
Science RealScience-4-Kids Chemistry – Level 1
Spanish Identify program with help from Minita To be determined
History Sonlight Grade 3
Language Sonlight Grade 3
Writing Sonlight Grade 3
Music Mrs. Hickenlooper Third year
Art Lorena will decide Whatever is appropriate
Physical Education To be determined To be determined

This is just a stab at curriculum choices for the kids. This will take some refinement, but I believe it is a good first pass. The areas that I have not investigated thoroughly are History, Language (English), Writing, and Art. The former three because I am assuming I will get them from SonLight and the latter, because Lorena will be selecting, teaching, and participating in the vast majority of the art program (I am somewhat challenged in that area).