"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Tag: The Raven

Last night at the Raven in Prescott with my buddies

The hamburger Lorena ate at the RavenMark is already gone. I leave in a little less than two weeks. Now it will only be John and Forrest. Every week when Mark and I were in town, we all got together to eat rubbed chicken wings. The hamburger to the left is the one Lorena ate the one time she went there with us. It was a great hamburger and today is Lorena’s birthday, so that is a good enough reason to put it up here. I am feeling a little nostalgic about the job because the “Software Thursday” crowd went through the wars together and I will miss them and our nights out, too.

Betty Blonde #243 – 06/22/2009
Betty Blonde #243
here or on the image to see full size strip.

Software Thursday at the Raven

While my family might think I spend ALL my time working when I am in Prescott, it is not entirely true. This video WAS taken while I was at work. Every Thursday (the day is actually malleable–sometimes it falls on Friday) is called “Software Thursday” and we spend it eating dinner and talking shop at a place called the Raven. If we hang around long enough, there is live music and sometimes it is pretty good.

Betty Blonde #163 – 03/02/2009
Betty Blonde #163
here or on the image to see full size strip.

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