"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Tag: The Other McCain

Religious authorities and secular involvement

Day 107 of 1000 (213.7 lbs.)

I still say The Other McCain is a trainwreck, but he really nails one of my pet peeves today.  His description of how Jesus dealt with religious authorities seems to be spot on.  The upshot is that Jesus was quite aggressive with religious authorities who were out of line in their admonishments and spirit.  He was also very kind to sinners who knew they were sinners and wanted to repent.  McCain is truly a gonzo journalist for our time.  Now if he would just dump that Rule 5 thing…

Update:  Oops!  I just saw this post came from Smitty, not Stacy.  He is The Other McCain’s trusty, gonzo journalist sidekick.  And he is a conservative Oregonian, so that pretty much doubles his credibility in as much as survival as a conservative in Oregon is not an easy trick.

Robert Stacy McCain: The Rodney Dangerfield of Political Reports

Kelly found this blurb about the fearless leader of The Other McCain in an article in Yahoo’s The Ticket, that bastion of fair minded reporting:

As it turned out, I wasn’t the lowest on the pecking order. Members of the Press Club staff were strictly checking for official media badges, and when they found Robert Stacy McCain, a non-credentialed gonzo type who writes for the American Spectator and has probably covered Cain longer than anyone else in the room, they swiftly escorted him out.

McCain is probably the funnest and funniest guy to read on the internet although we DO have our complaints about his style. He is arguably better informed and provides more cogent analysis than George Will, those establishment RINOS at The Corner (excluding Kathryn Jean Lopez and a few others), Hugh Hewitt, Peggy Noonan, Jennifer Rubin, and their ilk.  We are on your side Stacy, even though you continue to feature Rule 5 posts.  We LOVE our fellow Oregonian, Smitty, too.

Debates, Paul Ryan, and rejection of establishment Republican websites

Day 58 of 1000

We caught the last half hour of the Republican Presidential Debate in Las Vegas last night after church.  Kelly made the comment that she wished Paul Ryan would have been there.  I agreed with her.  We also agreed that CNN and hard-left commentator, Anderson Cooper, famous for his extreme partisanship should not be in same building as a Republican debate, let alone moderate one.  Still, I would vote for any of the people on the stage, with the possible exception of Ron Paul, over Obama (I think I would move to Mexico to help the fight against the drug cartels if that was the choice).  It would be awfully hard to cast a vote for Mitt Romney, but I would hold my nose and do it.  Any of the others would be great.

On another note, I removed my browser bookmark to National Review’s online blog The Corner.  The whole Hugh Hewitt style, establishment Republican thing they have going completely gags me.  I decided they are not worth reading on a regular basis.  If they are not in my bookmark list, I will only get to their page by following links from the pages I regularly visit or by manually typing in the address–it will not be often.  For politics, I will will stick with The Other McCain and Free Republic with a little Michelle Malkin, Ace of Spades, and Wintery Knight thrown in when I have some extra time.

Update:  My buddy Stepan, the PhD Chemist from Moscow State University in Russia and I talked about politics this morning.  I explained to him how it was Ronald Reagen and his Star Wars, low gas prices, and booming economy that shortened the life of the Soviet Union.  He made the first cogent argument against that idea I have ever heard.  He said, “You cannot prolong the life of someone who is already dead.”

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