Day 108 of 1000 (212.9 lbs.)
I heard a Subaru promotion on the radio during my morning commute this morning. They have a promotion where they pay $250 to one of five charities, two of which are liberal wacko charities when someone buys a car. Why would Subaru think I would buy a car from someone who sends money to charities I find odious. In addition, the price of the advertising, administration, and the money that goes to charity could have saved me an additional $500 on the price of the car. Let ME decide where I want my money to go. This is exactly why I object whenever a company for whom I work tries to strong-arm me into giving to the United Way. Their methods are suspect, give money to hate organizations, and have been caught with there hand in the cookie jar. Let me repeat, let ME decide where I want my money to go. I work really hard to avoid doing business with companies who do this kind of thing.