"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Tag: Studio apartment

The new furniture WITHOUT the cat protection

Lorena's new furnitureLorena bought new furniture this weekend (see below). For a studio apartment, it is harder than one might thing. She had to find something she liked (not so hard–she likes a LOT of stuff), but that was compact enough to fit in our very finite living space. I think she did a GREAT job. She got two leather swivel chairs–way more comfortable than I had imagined they might be just looking at them. They are RED! Imagine that. They are a deep red that looks great with a lot of stuff. I cannot imagine that we own two red leather chairs AND I like them.

We realized, after we sat in the chairs, we really needed a little table to set our sodas and an ottoman to set our feet. She went out and got that, too. The thing which impressed me most is her ability to get great deals. That takes a very large amount of patience and she is definitely better at that than me. We got them for the holidays when the kids get home, but we are enjoying them now. They would have been a worthy purchase even if the kids were not coming home.

With Kiwi the attack cat in the house, this might be the only time I ever get to see the actual leather. Again, see below.

Betty Blonde #445 – 03/31/2010
Betty Blonde #445
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Am I an environmentalist wacko?

Kelly visits the studio apartmentTwice now, we have had five people around our table for dinner in our tiny studio apartment. Kelly and Christian have both stayed with us over the weekend a couple of times. All of that worked out really well. This weekend, our apartment manager came around to ask us if we wanted to extend our stay so we signed up for another six months. We do not really know where we will land next. We do not even know when we will be able to make the next changes. Alzheimer’s is like that.

What we do know is that we like to live a downsized existence. The apartment, in spite of its small size, works just great for us. We are close to shopping, work, school and restaurants. We can walk just about everywhere we normally need to go during the week. In addition to that, we have a small, economical car so we do not really use too much gas. Now I have been a good (conservative) Republican as long as I can remember, so I pretty much hate the environment, clean water, clean air and all that sort of thing. It pains me that we have such a small carbon footprint.

Even worse, the plans we have for the next place we get, wherever and whenever that is, have shrunk dramatically. We want to get a small house with as open a floor plan as possible and three small bedrooms, two of which have Murphy beds. What will people think? We are not planning to do this to save the environment–we actually like to live that way. I guess we can do the small stuff by letting people know our garden is definitely not organic and we use real pesticides. And of course we will have a gas burning über-stove. We will have to quit eating granola, too.

Well, these sacrifices are probably worth it. We do not want to lose our redneck friends or hang out with angsty, environmentalist hippie types, but we really like to live small.

Betty Blonde #374 – 12/22/2009
Betty Blonde #374
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Studio apartment living: We love our Murphy bed

Old historic church building/McMenamin's PubLorena and I will have lived in our studio apartment for six months by the end of July. We have a great view from the apartment. We can walk to restaurants, shopping, work and two grocery stores. Our 24/7, very excellent fitness club is in the same building as the apartment. Lorena can scratch her gardening itch at the community garden where she has a small plot for $22 for the season. The only downside so far is it is hard to entertain for dinner or have overnight guests. We want to move into a house eventually by enjoy where we are right now and have no idea where we should be. So we are going to sign up for another stretch in the studio and wait.

One thing we have decided is that there is no way we want to get a big house or property this time. Lorena would like to have a garden and we would like to be able to entertain better so we do not want to get a cracker box house. We actually think we might like to design something ourselves. We know how we like to live–we want a big open room that includes the kitchen. Also, our apartment living has taught us that Murphy beds are a fine thing.

Kelly arrives on the train from Seattle today to spend the weekend with us. She will be here for dinner in the apartment with our friends Doyle S. and David K. Should be a lot of fun even if it is a tight fit.

Betty Blonde #371 – 12/17/2009
Betty Blonde #371
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