"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Tag: marketing

Brilliant marketing strategy

This, I think, is a brilliant marketing strategy. It was the funniest thing I read all day. And that is after posting my favorite math joke. A quote from the article:

When one Chinese technology vendor, Qihoo, launched a new Wi-Fi router with a safety setting for “pregnant women,” a rival vendor took offense to the implication that their routers might be dangerous.

I think our new blog slogan should be “The blog that is so carefully written, it does not cause cancer.”

Kelly gets her first (co-authored) academic journal publication accepted

A quote from Kelly’s facebook timeline:

My first real academic co-authored paper got accepted for publication!!! Only second author but STILL! It’s a big deal for me!!!

Betty Blonde #330 – 10/21/2009
Betty Blonde #330
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