"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Tag: Lorena surgery

Lorena’s flowers

This note came with flowers the kids sent Lorena flowers for her convalescence.
Note that came from the kids for Lorena's jaw reconstruction surgery
Kelly and Christian sent flowers to Lorena

Betty Blonde #181 – 03/26/2009
Betty Blonde #181
here or on the image to see full size strip.

Lorena surgery update

We spent the last two days up in Durham in a variety of hospitals. Lorena and Conchita stayed there the night after the surgery so they could assure everything is OK. The upshot is that everything is good, but Lorena will have to put up with having her teeth wired shut for two weeks. That cause quite a restriction on her diet. After that, she will have to stay on a liquid diet for another month. Then there are a few more restrictions and some dental stuff, but for the most part she is good to go. It is a relief to have all of this out of the way. This should be the last of these health posts for awhile. I have lots of good stuff about which I would like to write, so I am looking forward to getting back to that.

Betty Blonde #180 – 03/25/2009
Betty Blonde #180
here or on the image to see full size strip.

Lorena’s second surgery

Lorena and Conchita before the jaw surgery at Duke University Hospital(11:30 AM) Lorena, Grandma Conchita and arrived at the Duke Medical Pavilion for Lorena’s second surgery. The surgery is at 2:30 this afternoon, but we got here early so we could fill out the paperwork and Lorena can be prepped.  Lorena will be here overnight tonight and I plan to give a few updates here for the family as we go along. The surgery is fairly routine, but also fairly invasive so she will be here over night. Conchita and I do not know yet whether or not we will stay here for the night or go home and then come back in the morning.

(2:30 PM) We are still waiting. Lorena was supposed to have started surgery prep two hours ago, but we have not heard from anyone yet. We have a beeper that is supposed to go off when they are ready for us. I guess there were complications in the surgery before this one. Lorena just went to check on how much longer would be the delay and they took her in to get her prepped. Conchita and I are now the ones who are waiting.

(5:41 PM) We just got a call and were told the surgery had started. It should take about an hour. The doctor helped us decide some things that will make the surgery take about half the time we thought.

(7:20 PM) Lorena is out of surgery. Everything is OK. It was a pretty invasive thing. She will spend the night at the hospital.

Betty Blonde #179 – 03/24/2009
Betty Blonde #179
here or on the image to see full size strip.

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