"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Tag: David Barash

Discovery Institute on the case of David Barash

I wrote a blog post a couple of days ago on David Barash’s absurd statements about the impact of the study of evolution on History, Philosophy and Theology. Barash is the University of Washington Biology professor who pontificates vigorously and confidently about this from what is, quite evidently, a position of complete ignorance about how work is done in those three fields.

His ignorance does not even slow him down. He continues to clown himself in new venues, the latest being an op-ed he wrote for the New York Times. That seems fitting somehow in as much as the Times is not too much of a paragon of clear thinking and veracity itself.  It turns out that the Discovery Institute in Seattle has been on the case. Their Evolution News and Views blog articles here, here and here are well worth the read both in terms of entertainment and as a reality check for David Barash, PhD.

Betty Blonde #175 – 03/18/2009
Betty Blonde #175
here or on the image to see full size strip.

Be wary of Biology professors at University of Washington if the rest of them are anything like this guy

Commie professor alert!* I just sent Kelly (UW graduate student) a note that said, “http://www.thinkingchristian.net/posts/2014/09/david-barash-speaking-with-authority-on-what-he-knows-next-to-nothing-about/ — Don’t take Biology at UW. You might get that guy.”

She wrote back and said, and I quote exactly, “ha ha i won’t” with precisely that punctuation and capitalization.

I fear for the reputation of the graduate schools at UW. While there is a certain amount of hipness associated with IM’ing people with little regard for grammatical convention, I do not get why people like the good Biology professor do not realize how foolish they look (and actually are) in making outdated, absurd, discredited philosophical, historical, and theological statements outside their area of expertise. Tom Gilson over at ThinkingChristian explains in painstaking detail (see the linked article) why this is so ridiculous. It seems like it has reached epidemic levels amongst atheists credentialed in one area (Biology, Physics, Zoology) and an abysmal lack of knowledge and training in the areas on which they are opining (Philosophy, History, Theology). Here is a snippet, but I recommend you read the whole thing. And while you are out it check out the blog; there is always something interesting going on there, too.

In his Talk, [David Barash] also says,

Adding to religion’s current intellectual instability is a third consequence of evolutionary insights: a powerful critique of theodicy, the scholarly effort to reconcile belief in an omnipresent, omni-benevolent God with the fact of unmerited suffering…. The more we know of evolution, the more unavoidable is the conclusion that living things, including human beings, are produced by a natural, totally amoral process, with no indication of a benevolent, controlling creator.

He does not say, “I have observed and reflected on animal pain and death as a biologist, so therefore I am qualified theologically to pronounce every explanation for the goodness of God to be inadequate.”

*Just kidding. I WISH that guy was at UW or ASU. I would have a ton more interesting material if he was. On the other hand, Lawrence Krauss of ASU got his hat handed to him in debate with William Lane Craig at NCSU for much the same reason that David Barash has clowned himself, so maybe there is hope for good material at the kids’ new schools.

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