"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Tag: Bring your kids to work day

Bring Your Kids to Work Day presentation

Bring Your Kids to Work Day
My company held the very best “Bring Your Kids to Work Day” program of any company at which I have worked. Several of the guys gave talks, the kids were fed lunch and snacks and there were great activities. What really impressed me is that the kids were well behaved and very engaged with the talks we gave them. That is me above talking to the kids about machine vision. I talked to one kid, a senior in high school, after my talk for quite awhile. He was into Python programming and robotics–sharp and engaged kid. This has inspired me to do another section or two of Our Homeschool Story. The next section is on what we did during the elementary school years and I will be diving into the mechanics of it all. I searched through my stuff and found some of our old weekly work spreadsheets that put me into pretty nostalgic mood. I am looking forward to writing about it.

Betty Blonde #309 – 09/23/2009
Betty Blonde #309
here or on the image to see full size strip.

New microscope for “Bring Your Kids to Work Day”

Desk microscopeIt is “Bring Your Kids to Work Day” at my new job and I am giving a presentation on Machine Vision to the kids. The range of ages is 7-17, so it is a little hard to target something that will keep everyone interested. I decided to hook up a cheap ~$50 USB microscope to my computer and show them some image processing tools we use. I have been having a blast with the little microscope. I am trying to think of a reason to buy one for home.

I have been programming it for most of the day and believe I will actually be able to use it frequently for my work doing demonstrations and feasibility studies. It hooked right into my software, so now I can run edge filters, blob analysis, morphology and other stuff that I normally do. The camera has a zoom lens (a little bit of a cheesy one) that works really well to look at a fairly broad range of items.

Betty Blonde #305 – 09/17/2009
Betty Blonde #305
here or on the image to see full size strip.

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