Chapman Kids Blog

"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Christian home for Christmas

Christian home for Christmas 2015Christian got into Portland at 3:00 AM, Christmas Eve morning. Lorena has enjoyed spoiling him ever since. We had a great day with all the cousins at Aunt Julia’s house. Grandpa Milo and Grandpa Sarah were even there to help out.

Betty Blonde #450 – 04/07/2010
Betty Blonde #450
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Kids are home for Christmas

Kelly got here a couple of days ago and Christian arrived at three o’clock this morning. We are looking forward to a few days of too much food and hanging out together. I am actually not going to work over the holidays for the first time in many years.
Kelly is home for Christmas 2015

Betty Blonde #449 – 04/06/2010
Betty Blonde #449
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Christian’s (technical) PhD blog

Christan started a blog to record his thoughts on the technical stuff he is doing for his PhD. So far he has one post up titled Thoughts about Extracting Information from Sequences of Noisy Observations. It is one of those inside baseball kind of blogs where I think you have to be in the field to understand what it is all about. I do not understand much, but am going to try to give it a more thorough read when I get a chance. The graphics are great. He did them with Inkscape, a great open source vector graphics tool.

Betty Blonde #448 – 04/05/2010
Betty Blonde #448
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An article on Science vs. Scientism

An article in the Southern Blog of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary titled Science vs. Scientism: A Necessary Distinction describes an often fanatical worldview that has taken over much of our culture. The author uses Bill Nye, one of the worst practitioners of this worldview as an example of what happens when you conflate science with scientism. The whole article is worth the read, but one section describes the problem in a nutshell:

Scientism vs. science

Nye’s appeal to science as the bar of truth is what is known as scientism. According to John Cowburn in Scientism: A Word We Need (Wipf & Stock, 2013), scientism is a worldview where “only scientific knowledge is valid . . . that science can explain and do everything and that nothing else can explain or do anything: it is the belief that science and reason, or scientific and rational, are co-extensive terms.”

Richard Carrier defends scientism (which he calls metaphysical naturalism) in Sense and Goodness without God: A Defense of Metaphysical Naturalism (Authorhouse, 2005) and defines it as “an explanation of everything without recourse to anything supernatural, a view that takes reason and science seriously, and expects nothing from you that you cannot judge for yourself.” One’s faith is not in an imagined deity. Instead, one’s faith is grounded and justified “by appeal to the observable evidence.” In short, scientism is a full-fledged worldview that guides one’s actions and informs their beliefs. Thus, Nye’s appeal to science in the abortion issue confuses the discipline of science with the worldview of scientism.

This conflation, in its ignorance, allows for just the kinds of evil described in the article. Science and the scientific method are not the only paths to knowledge of truth. Much or all of other ways of knowing, logic and reason, historical method and revelation get thrown out if one subscribes to scientism. How do you know whether your mother loves you using scientism. How do you measure qualia using scientific method?

Betty Blonde #447 – 04/02/2010
Betty Blonde #447
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What is science?

There is a very vigorous conversation that is occurring right now in the world of “science.” I put the word science in scare quotes because the very thing under discussion is whether much of the research performed in Physics today could actually be called science. A long and very interesting article in Quanta Magazine titled A Fight for the Soul of Science starts out like this:

String theory, the multiverse and other ideas of modern physics are potentially untestable. At a historic meeting in Munich, scientists and philosophers asked: should we trust them anyway?

It has always been my understanding that if something is not testable or falsifiable in Popperian sense, it did not mean that that something could not lead to truth. It did mean, however, that that something could not be defined as science. Now, a group of scientist want to morph the definition of science to include untestable theories such as String Theory. A conference was held to discuss the issue and that is what this article is about. For those interested in this question, it is a very interesting article. I read through it once last night, but plan to read through it more carefully over the holidays. I am not sure what I think about this, but it is an emotional and important issue for people her earn their living in Physics research.

Betty Blonde #446 – 04/01/2010
Betty Blonde #446
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The new furniture WITHOUT the cat protection

Lorena's new furnitureLorena bought new furniture this weekend (see below). For a studio apartment, it is harder than one might thing. She had to find something she liked (not so hard–she likes a LOT of stuff), but that was compact enough to fit in our very finite living space. I think she did a GREAT job. She got two leather swivel chairs–way more comfortable than I had imagined they might be just looking at them. They are RED! Imagine that. They are a deep red that looks great with a lot of stuff. I cannot imagine that we own two red leather chairs AND I like them.

We realized, after we sat in the chairs, we really needed a little table to set our sodas and an ottoman to set our feet. She went out and got that, too. The thing which impressed me most is her ability to get great deals. That takes a very large amount of patience and she is definitely better at that than me. We got them for the holidays when the kids get home, but we are enjoying them now. They would have been a worthy purchase even if the kids were not coming home.

With Kiwi the attack cat in the house, this might be the only time I ever get to see the actual leather. Again, see below.

Betty Blonde #445 – 03/31/2010
Betty Blonde #445
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A hard programming weekend, but I had help

Programming all weekend longThere are opportunities to learn everywhere. I look back at my somewhat misspent youth and realize that all of that time when I was an angry and miserable ingrate, I could have spent learning new stuff. The funny deal is that I enjoyed learning new stuff, even back then. I just did not understand that the confusion and frustration of learning hard stuff eventually translated in joy-filled understanding. And, just as important, it built on the stuff learned previously.

It is never a good thing to look backward and I am truly grateful my mind works well enough to learn some pretty hard stuff. I have lots of good help, too. Since the weather got bad, I have not been walking as much (Shame on me!) so I am getting that shelf just in the right place for Kiwi to sit comfortably while I program. That is not so bad either.

Betty Blonde #444 – 03/30/2010
Betty Blonde #444
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New furniture!

Lorena's new chairs
I am currently consulting with a new startup company out of Wichita, Kansas (an amazingly cool place). So far, I have not taken compensation because the company is just getting started, but they very kindly provided a gift certificate for there appreciation of the work I am doing for them after a recent trip back there a few months ago. I gave the gift certificate to Lorena when I got back to Oregon. She finally pulled the trigger and bought something–two red leather chairs. They are shown in the picture above, but they are covered with throws because Kiwi, the remaining twin cat sister and attack animal might scratch them into worthlessness. Still we REALLY like them. We actually had no decent place to sit in our studio apartment until now. So, since we have these great chairs, the only thing we are missing is a table to go between them and an ottoman or two. New purchases just lead to new purchases. On the other hand, Lorena says she really wants to continue in the apartment now that we have the ottoman. Who am I to argue.

Betty Blonde #443 – 03/29/2010
Betty Blonde #443
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Geology and Business Law

Lorena got the last of her grades for the semester today. She got great scores and is on course to finish her degree soon. This semester she took her first science class with her friend Spencer, learned a ton and is ready for the next one in either Geology (again) or Cartograpy.

Betty Blonde #442 – 03/26/2010
Betty Blonde #442
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This will be a real test of my security in my manliness–Lorena has signed Kelly, Christian, herself and I up for a mani-pedi over the holidays. She and our friend Gladys usually go about every six weeks or so, but Glad will be out of town. I guess they are pretty hard to get that time of year.  If this is not going above and beyond for familial and matrimonial harmony, I do not know what is.

Betty Blonde #441 – 03/25/2010
Betty Blonde #441
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Smart phones gone in five years?

I just read an article that describes a study that suggests that smartphones will die out in five years or so. The idea is that things will have enhanced capabilities to interact with people so screens will not be necessary any longer to enable the interaction. Sensing systems to recognize gestures, voice commands and software system to infer things about what I user might want to happen will continue to advance. One example they gave was the idea that a user watching a football game could just tell the television they want to change the view of the game from the 50 yard line to the 10 yard line on the other side of the field and the view would change. I am not sure how this will manifest itself, but I believe things like that will become more available. I predict it will take a lot more than five years to displace cell phones if cell phones ever get displaced, but I also believe this idea is coming–I am already seeing it in my work.

Betty Blonde #440 – 03/24/2010
Betty Blonde #440
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Wt programming

I spent most of this last weekend writing a web program with a new (to me) set of C++ libraries named Wt (pronounced witty, they say, but I am going to call it double-u tee–like calling Qt cute, it is just a bridge too far). Wittiness aside, after making my way up a relatively steep learning curve, I am very, very impressed. It is open source software that I am currently helping some friends investigate. I has a commercial license for commercial products so I hope to be able to buy that someday soon–or better yet, get it bought for me. I might try to put a thing or two up on this website as I figure it out.

Betty Blonde #439 – 03/23/2010
Betty Blonde #439
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Losing an old friend

We lost our dear friend Carolyn day before yesterday. When Lorena and I first got married, we lived for three years in Boynton Beach, Florida. Every Sunday morning during our time there we meet for a home church meeting at the home of Courtney and Carolyn. Courtney was an engineer, originally from Barbados who worked at one of the big electronics firms in the area. Carolyn was a highly educated stay-at-home mom originally from Virginia. They were very, very kind to us. We often went to their home for dinner and got together with them outside of church on a regular basis along with several other members of our little church group. Carolyn very kindly gave us great advise every time we saw here up to the very last time just last year in North Carolina.  Not too long after we left Florida to head West to Oregon, Courtney was transferred by his company up to North Carolina to the Triangle area where we eventually moved, so we got to see them on a semi-regular basis in these last few years. The most recent best piece of advice, she gave to Kelly.

“Kelly, boyfriends are like buses. If you miss the bus or leave the bus, another one will come along.”

The way Courtney and Carolyn raised their two children, Corwin and Chevonne, was part of our inspiration to encourage our kids to work hard to achieve academic success. They earned a Masters degree and a PhD (a hard one). Our condolences go out to all of them. We will miss Carolyn a lot. She was a godly influence in our lives.

Betty Blonde #438 – 03/22/2010
Betty Blonde #438
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The world is upside down

I honestly had never heard the term “social justice warrior” until a few months ago when my kids talked about it. It is the perfect sarcastic description for people who exhibit the type of appalling behavior captured so well in this political cartoon. Now that it is on my radar, I am seeing it everywhere. Articles titled The Modern College Experience and Radical Feminists and White Racists, both at TownHall, are examples of some of the push back that is starting to occur. The push back is probably too little, too late, but at least enough of it is happening in places where even old fogies like me can read them. Those two example are really bad, but an article that is even more scary whose title I will not include here describes the entire phenomena as it applies to terrorism and the Jewish community. It surely does seem like something bad is coming.

Betty Blonde #437 – 03/21/2010
Betty Blonde #437
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The institutional church

I just read a very interesting article on the institutional church. It describes some reasons church membership has dropped. The whole article is quite good, but the list of ways the church has moved away from the first century church is really quite amazing. It is mostly about how and where the church meets, but it also discusses church leadership. I hope they take the thinking further to “remember” how the ministry operated in the New Testament, too, but this is a great start. The article goes into a lot more detail, but here is the list:

  1. All the churches in the Bible met in a home and functioned like a small spiritual family. The current institutional church, by contrast, spends a great deal of energy and money getting and maintaining a church building.
  2. The churches in the Bible were simple. We describe “simple church” as a way of being/doing church where any believer could say, “I could do that!”. (“they were astonished that Peter and John were unschooled, ordinary men” (Acts 4:13).) The institutional church, by contrast, requires highly educated, highly school (seminary, etc.) highly creative people to be successful. (Think Rick Warren, for instance.)
  3. In the New Testament (NT) churches, everyone used their gifts. In institutional church, only a few, highly gifted people (worship leaders, preachers, etc.) use their gifts.
  4. In NT church, Jesus brought the agenda for the meetings. In institutional churches, a few, very smart people design the worship experiences.
  5. In the NT, churches were started in a few hours or a few days. Institutional churches require a great deal of planning and resources and take months or years to start.

Betty Blonde #436 – 03/19/2010
Betty Blonde #436
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Thankful for Thanksgiving

Carl at Washington special meeting (Spanish)We had a great Thanksgiving. We missed Christian a lot, but we also talked to him a lot and like I said in previous posts, he spent the holiday with very good people. This was one of those Thanksgivings that was unexpectedly encouraging and helpful. We went to a church event on Friday where we saw good friends from my college days, made the acquaintance of some new folks and just had a great chance to talk in an inspiring setting. We plan to make our way back up there again.

One of the highlights of the trip was our friend Carl who was out to Washing for a round of special meetings of our church. We got to hear him preach in Spanish and to say that what he had to say was something I needed to hear is a wild understatement. And he was not the only one who had good things for me to hear. We knew we would miss our North Carolina friends, but we are amazed how frequently–at least daily–we think of reasons to remember them to each other.

On Sunday, we take my parents to church in the morning. When there are Gospel meetings, we take them Sunday afternoon, too. This Sunday was the last Gospel meeting before the holidays and we were surprised when our friends Kirk and Melanie from Charlotte walked in. It is a small world and it is nice to be reminded of the gifts of friendships we receive day in and day out. It is by the grace of God we are given time and opportunity to realize how good we have it just because of the fellowship we are in.

Betty Blonde #435 – 03/18/2010
Betty Blonde #438
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Too much food followed by too much food

Sunday lunch after meeting at Juan Colorado

Our Thanksgiving was super nice. We, as good Americans, ate too much the whole weekend. I, for one, only got one work out in over. As a tilter at Windmills, I have hope to remedy that starting now, but that does not mitigate the fact my belt went out another notch. It was great to have Kelly up her. We missed having Christian a lot, but I think he was well cared for by Ralph and Barbie.

Betty Blonde #434 – 03/17/2010
Betty Blonde #434
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Christian stays in Arizona for Thanksgiving

Kelly comes home for Thanksgiving 2015Our friends Ralph and Barbie invited Christian over for Thanksgiving this year. He planned to come up here to spend the weekend with us,  but was just too slammed with work to make the trip. Lorena, Kelly and I will have a full Thanksgiving weekend and Christian will be well cared for, but this is the second year in a row when everyone was not together for our favorite holiday. Kelly, of course, is working on her research between petting Kiwi, the remaining twin cat sister. It is going to busy and nice, but we really do wish we could be with Christian. We have decided we will all try to head south to Arizona for Christmas. I hope we can make that work.

Betty Blonde #433 – 03/15/2010
Betty Blonde #433
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Wrong about the crusades, but the word is getting out

It is sad so many people have so many wrong ideas about the crusades. I found another article, wonderfully written, from 2005 that sets the record straight. Again. This paragraph from the article describes the problem:

Misconceptions about the Crusades are all too common. The Crusades are generally portrayed as a series of holy wars against Islam led by power-mad popes and fought by religious fanatics. They are supposed to have been the epitome of self-righteousness and intolerance, a black stain on the history of the Catholic Church in particular and Western civilization in general. A breed of proto-imperialists, the Crusaders introduced Western aggression to the peaceful Middle East and then deformed the enlightened Muslim culture, leaving it in ruins. For variations on this theme, one need not look far. See, for example, Steven Runciman’s famous three-volume epic, History of the Crusades, or the BBC/A&E documentary, The Crusades, hosted by Terry Jones. Both are terrible history yet wonderfully entertaining.

That is so wrong in so many ways as explained next:

So what is the truth about the Crusades? Scholars are still working some of that out. But much can already be said with certainty. For starters, the Crusades to the East were in every way defensive wars. They were a direct response to Muslim aggression—an attempt to turn back or defend against Muslim conquests of Christian lands.

Christians in the eleventh century were not paranoid fanatics. Muslims really were gunning for them. While Muslims can be peaceful, Islam was born in war and grew the same way. From the time of Mohammed, the means of Muslim expansion was always the sword. Muslim thought divides the world into two spheres, the Abode of Islam and the Abode of War. Christianity—and for that matter any other non-Muslim religion—has no abode. Christians and Jews can be tolerated within a Muslim state under Muslim rule. But, in traditional Islam, Christian and Jewish states must be destroyed and their lands conquered.

The author goes on to explain in more detail to explain what we actually know about all this. It is a great read that makes a compelling case. I highly recommend it.

Betty Blonde #432 – 03/12/2010
Betty Blonde #432
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Are there no more American Cyrus’s

I just read a great article on why Truman characterized himself as Cyrus when he was talking to Israel at the time they were about to become a sovereign country again. It made me wonder whether we have seen our last American President Cyrus as the most recent administration has certainly moved away from that position. It also made me wonder how many people might understand the reference. I think that is most probably a diminished set of our population and even more diminished in Europe.

Betty Blonde #431 – 03/11/2010
Betty Blonde #431
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