"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Search results: "Kitchen remodel"

Good start to the exercise program

…that the hotel where I usually stay across the street from the office was full–partially due to a remodel of a third of their rooms. I got into a Marriott…

Update—PhD, Mexico houses, and retirement

…house remodels, but that should not take much to complete. The first draft of my dissertation has been submitted to my thesis advisor and a time and date has been…

Knocking out a balcony

Lynn is working with Lorena on the financial aspects of our little remodel projects in San Pedro and, today, she is going to do a walk-through of both of them….

Summer 2022–not just enduring

…Lorena and I have several active projects that require serious attention and effort including the apartments (still preparing to sell) and the house (getting the remodel ready for ourselves and…

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