"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Category: Work Page 2 of 9

Dr. Christian Chapman, 25

Christian hit a half century a couple of days ago. He got his PhD from a tier one university at 23 and now works at the pure research laboratory of an elite university on the East Coast. We are quite proud of him. It is a hard age, but he is navigating it well. In a few weeks I will be able to announce another accomplishment for him and for me. He is helping me with my retirement PhD effort and, believe it or not, with my day job.

Xubuntu 20.04

I am a big fan of Linux and, more particularly, a big fan of Xubuntu Linux. This is not a review of Xubuntu but an acknowledgement of my biennial struggle about when to replace the previous Long Term Support (LTS) release, Xubuntu 18.04 with the new release 20.04 that is scheduled to drop on April 23. I do not think I have made it more than half a day before I bite the bullet and make the change. This will be a pretty straightforward deal with the computer I use for my PhD work and our home computers, but my day job machine is another story. We have lots of heavy lifting going on and the setup of a development computer of any stripe (Linux, Windows, or apple) for the kind of work I am doing is often a challenge and generally takes at least half a day if I am really lucky. I could just install over the top of 18.04, but that kind of defeats the fun and I like the idea of completely cleaning out cruft every now and then, so I plan to wipe the hard drive. I will continue to run into stuff I forgot for a few more days or even weeks. This is true even though I write down all the stuff I need. New thing just keep popping up.

I am all Linux all the time at both work and home. For the first time ever, I have no reason to ever boot to Windows and we avoid allowing the plague known as apple into the house. The guys at work mostly use Ubuntu, but I really like Xubuntu, mostly because its use changes only minimally. I always look forward to a new release and this one is no exception.

Programming professional in Python

I cannot believe I am writing this blog post, but for a variety of reasons, I now spend about half my time programming in python. It is still pretty useless as a tool for doing the thing for which I normally get hired, but it is great as glue, for machine learning, and for other types of utility programming. As or solving hard machine vision and image processing problems–for that C++ is still the king for both speed of performance and speed of development. In both my day job and for my PhD research, I have a lot of the C++ vision code I need already coded up so it runs fast and does what I want. Now I need to make stuff play nicely with GUI programmers and other user so I am doing that in Python. The thing I hate to admit is that I really like it quite a lot and I CAN go faster with stuff like Scikit-Learn, matplotlib, and other great tools.

Angst is often unnecessary

I had heard that most people who work for someone else never quit worrying about getting fired. That is at least until they are forty, but probably until the day they retire or die. Today, I came to a point in some of my work where some of the problems I thought belonged to me were not really anything over which I had any control AND most of the people around me understood that. After the meeting where I arrived at that conclusion, I looked out the window and saw our magnificent Mt. Rainier. It is not any different than it has been since we arrived in Centralia and the same is true for my job. I am at the point in my work that if there is a problem in my domain and I cannot solve it, there are probably very few others that could either. That is more a product of longevity and experience than brilliance, but I need to remember that. People are almost never against me in these contexts, they just have their own burdens and their own angst about getting fired. I need to be on their side.

New video conference hardware

I am in a meeting right now with nine of my colleagues, most of whom are in the Boston area, but which also includes myself in Washington state, one guy in Colorado, and one guy in Utah. Everyone in the meeting is in a different location. In addition to the people in the meeting, the guy running the meeting is sharing his screen with information on the topic we are discussing. It works amazingly well. I regularly use three different video conference tools–Google Hangouts, Slack, and Zoom. Every now and then I also use WhatsApp and Skype, but that is mostly that is for personal stuff.

Over the last week, I got in a new microphone and speakers that have made these meetings a good chunk better. About a day after I got these new parts connected and working, my bluetooth headphones (Cowin E7) broke mechanically. This was pretty disappointing because I had been very careful with them, always carefully returning them to their case when they were not in use. I ordered another set of headphones (Plantronics this time) a couple of days. With the China virus, deliveries have slowed down pretty dramatically from Amazon and Walmart so they will not arrive until late in the week–probably Thursday. All my housemates have to listen to both ends my rather boring conference calls until they arrive.

Christian arrives in Boston

Christian flew into Boston yesterday afternoon to look for apartments before he starts work at MIT next week. We went to California Pizza–the same place we went when we looked for an apartment in Tempe when he started his PhD at Arizona State University. After dinner, I gave him a tour of Thrive Bioscience where I work. He liked it a lot. The part he liked best was the instruments I showed him that we build. He designed one of the most important algorithms we use in the growing of stem cells. It was really nice for him to be able to see where his algorithm is being used. It is hard to overstate how import was his work in this development.

Christian goes to work

Christian has been home with us for the last several weeks, but now it looks like he fleeing the nest. Actually he has been paying his own way since he left for his PhD when he was 18, but now, it feels like he is gone for good. When he was in school, we could squint our eyes and semi-believe he was not gone even though he really was. Now though, he does not really need us hardly at all. We like to think our cheer leading is something (and it probably is), but he is truly on his own and making his own way now.

He is now a scientist in the very best meaning of that word at one of the most prestigious institutions of science in the world. It is, in our humble yet biased, opinion much more that just MIT. It is the part of MIT solely dedicated to research, unencumbered with training new young minds, in the very areas Christian studied. We feel somewhat melancholy, but also grateful and humbled that Christian has made it to this level.

He will leave next week and almost certainly never come back except for visits. That is a good thing, but we are in somewhat of a state of melancholy.

Retirement clock

I have added a retirement clock to the sidebar of the blog. I am not sure things are going to actually play out in the way the retirement clock is planned, but God willing I hope to be moving from a full time direct employment position to a half-time contract position on or about May 2, 2012–28 months from now. Here is the clock:

Hopefully, this will allow me to spend half of my time working on my PhD, but who knows. More on all this as we go along.

Working from Arizona

This is the fig tree in Christian’s kitchen. He has been nourishing it faithfully for a long time and now has some figs to show for it. It has been a bit of a struggle because he has to take it to the lab so one of his friends there can take care of it whenever he travels. It is nice to be able to work remotely from Arizona in February. This is the first time I have really taken advantage of the opportunity, but I am really glad to be able to do it.

New office setup

With the office downstairs painted, I decided to rearrange the furniture so I could work a little more efficiently. The big screen on the right is connected to my main computer which only runs Linux. The screen on the left is connected to a computer I bought for $241 that runs both Linux Mint 19.1 and Windows 10. The Linux part is for the bean project and another project that uses a RealSense 3d imager. The Windows allows me to build programs without having to use a virtual machine to run Windows on my main Linux box. So far I like it really well. I am sure I will have to make some adjustments in the future, but it is a lot better than my previous, single computer setup.

Kelly: Big new stuff coming

Kelly is at the start of a new chapter in her life that will feature several months of chaos followed by something pretty big. The first step is to move to short-term housing for a few months. I have been sworn to secrecy on the rest. So, über-kid-helper Lorena is up in Seattle right now helping her pack. Tomorrow, I will go load up her sofa, her bed, some other furniture, and a bunch of boxes to haul down to Centralia for storage in our garage until she makes her move to the next (actually, very) big thing. I can hardly wait to be able to talk about it because it is a big deal.

Morning routine with Kiwi

I usually get up very early because I need to coordinate my work with the people in the Boston office, a three hour difference from where we leave. Fortunately (or unfortunately–however one looks at it), Kiwi is an earlier riser, too. The thing is, she only rises long enough to park herself on my lap when I start work. After 10-15 minutes, she gets irritated with me moving around to much for her to sleep, so she moves to the area between the keyboard and the monitor. That is way more manageable because the most I usually have to do is push her head down when I cannot see something on the screen.

JHU-APL Data Scientist

A month or so ago, Kelly’s old boss from her college internship to ask her to return to work for him as a data scientist. It is quite a prestigious institution at the bleeding edge of lots of different technologies. Her job will be to work on a range of problems, improving her skills as she goes. The reality is this would not be a bad place for Christian either, if he can get hired there. She can either continue to work as a data scientist and/or get paid for getting a PhD in Statistics at Johns Hopkins University. She is really grateful for the opportunity, especially because she knows the people and the kind of work she would do.

New Year’s Resolve 2019

New Year’s Eve was good. Lorena and I spent a couple of hours at our friends’, Stan and Diane, house with a small group of older folks from our church. We, of course, ate too much then came home a little early, talked and went to bed. I spent a good chunk of this holiday season in bed or an easy chair with a cold so I had a lot of time to reflect on life and what we are doing with it. When I say we, I mean Lorena and I. That reflection led to more questions than answers. Do we live in a house that is too big? How soon should I retire? Do stay here or go somewhere else when that happens? Or sooner? I guess my New Year’s Resolution is to seek some guidance from God on those questions. I am surely thankful to be married to Lorena as my she wants precisely the same things–the right, or at least good answers.

Six month and still thriving

After six months, I still love my new job, even with every other week being in Boston. Yesterday morning, my boss came around the office in Boston and gave everyone a really nice bottle of wine but be because I travel. So instead, he got me a gift certificate to take Lorena out to dinner and gave me a really nice card. I am working with really good people on a really hard project. The company listens to me–we have brought in two of my ex-colleagues to speed up the process. If it remains like this, it would be great to stay here until I retire in a few more years.

Back to work

After one of the nicest Thanksgivings in recent memory (by accident really), we are all back to work. Lorena dropped Christian and off at the airport–Christian is headed back to Arizona and I am writing this post on the plane en route to Boston. Lorena then ran Kelly up to work, did her workout and is back home to take her last Astronomy class test of the semester. Actually, I got a lot done on the GaugeCam/PhD project during vacation last week and in transition back to my day job. It really is nice to have a break, but it is also nice to go back to work, too.

Thoughts on how to get ahead

This picture of Kiwi being miffed that Lorena was trying to sit on her chair does not have a whole lot to do with what I want to write about today, but it was pretty fun. Every time Lorena sat down, Kiwi pushed her away and then sat back with a look of irritation. I needed a picture for the post, this was available, and I wanted to have an excuse to put it up.

The whole family has been inspired to talk about some of the things we do to contribute and to get ahead. A lot of it has to do with the whole concept of life-long learning that Charles Murray talked about fairly frequently. In that context, I have almost always had a project on which I actively worked that contributed to something. I earned money on some of them, but a lot of the time I just worked because the project helped in some way and I was able to learn new stuff. The reality is that I did a lot of this work with now expectation of learning anything, but it happened anyway. Examples of these projects include work on the water level measurement camera (GaugeCam), sickle cell disease diagnostics, labor and delivery management, cataract surgery, water particle measurement in flowing water, and several others.

I think the things they all had in common were that they were hard projects (in the technical sense), they required a longitudinal effort of more than a year, a bunch of non-compensated (monetarily) work was required at the front end, and I had the ability to uniquely contribute because of my technical skills. Virtually every one of those kinds of projects turned into a significant amount of money–maybe not significant for some people, but surely significant for me. In addition, every one of them opened new opportunities. The work I am doing right now would not have been possible had I not learned a bunch of new stuff about embedded programming, web programming, machine learning, etc., etc. that I never would have gotten in my day job. More important than the money is the fact that I am doing invention daily. I know it is critical to have dedicated people to perform the mechanical tasks of daily life like farming, medicine, manufacturing, etc., but it is a gift to have spent a career at the bleeding edge of invention. There is always something new and interesting to learn and use that requires all the mental faculties to even understand, let alone exploit. I know that is not for everyone, but I am certainly grateful and humbled to have had this kind of work.

Christian has been thinking about what he wants to do next. His PhD adviser is a luminary in Christian’s research area and one of the best PhD advisers I have ever seen–he takes great care of his students, is inspirational, pushes them to do hard stuff, and demands quality in every aspect of their research. He gets the very best students because of that, so Christian rubs shoulders with a great group of fellow students every day. The get great jobs in a variety of places and one of them has an idea to start a business. That is a perfect setting to find the exact kind of projects that can lead to life-long learning. One buddy even wants them to start a business together–a highly technical business that requires the kind of preparation one can only receive in a math intensive PhD program. I say go for it!

New raincoat for the coming Boston weather

I ordered a bright red raincoat and had it shipped to the Boston office. Bright red because it gets dark early in the winter and I do not want to get hit by a truck. It is not really a winter coat, but something more than just a windbreaker. The plan is to wear sweaters underneath and get some weatherproof shoes when the snow hits. My decision to take Uber from the airport to the hotel and back seems to still be a fine decision because it forces me to walk the mile and a half to the Whole Foods (not a fan, but it is the only grocery store within shooting distance) and driving in Boston in the winter is, I think, a sport for younger men with faster reactions. The raincoat will join my Boston scale and a large container of skin moisturizer that I keep in the file cabinet at my desk. I am sure that repository will grow.

Birthday 63

Yesterday was my 63rd birthday. It is a strange and interesting time in life and the world. The New Year whether counted from one’s birthday, January 1, or some other important annual even like the start of school or a church convention is a time for reflection. For some reason, this year more than many in the past, I feel a need to reassess what we (Lorena and I) do. We have a few short term goals we want to accomplish like Lorena’s degree and some remodel projects, but in the whole scheme of things, they are not so consequential.

I have professional and financial responsibilities to meet over the next couple of years, but they are not so onerous. I also have some side projects I want to complete. The main one is the coffee bean project, but I also really would like to do some work with my new friend Stan on his Raspberry Pi. All those things considered, I am seeing how it might be good to figure out what to do when I retire in 3-4 years. Do we stay where we are? We like it here, but we are the kind of people who believe there is a place we are “supposed” to be. We need to give it some time to figure out. It is nice to have events like birthdays so this kind of thing comes onto one’s radar.

Beside all that, I had a great, but very quiet birthday. Both the kids called, I talked to Grandma Conchita on Skype, Lorena cooked me a really nice, too big, New York steak and a carrot cake, and Kiwi sat on my lap more than she should have given that it diminishes my work output fairly dramatically.

Wildlife from the office window

I hope I never get tired of seeing this out my office window. As I write this, I am looking at a doe and her fawn eating plums and apples a little bit further out in the yard.

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