We have finalized our house search plans for Virginia. The best part is that Kelly is going to come down on the train from Washington DC to join us and look at houses. We have a rental car and a hotel and a plan to visit the top three or four on our list. Also on the plan is to just go have some good food and explore to the extent the weather allows.
Category: Travel Page 1 of 3
I bought the black backpack on the right about fifteen years ago at some place like Marshall’s, T.J.Maxx, or one of those outlet malls. I lucked into a very, very good backpack that was rugged, functional (pockets in all the right places), not too big, not too small, and easy to carry. After a lot of hard use, it was time to make a change, but it truly seems like I am saying goodbye to an old and faithful friend. Lorena helped me find a new backpack at Marshall’s based on what I learned from the old one. I think a lot of the features of the new one are the same, quite a few are better or did not exist in the old one, and one or two are not as good. I really like that there is an external jack to connect to a USB power brick and there are some pockets that will really help me get through airports more easily. In addition, I will be able to easily carry two laptops which I will need when we move to Mexico. All in all, I think it was a good purchase.
Lorena returned from her visit with Christian in Boston today and life is profoundly better now that she is here. It is just not as nice when she is not where she loves to be in her house. I had fallen off the wagon on my diet and exercise program, but she has me up and going again–Salmon, salad, and asparagus for dinner tonight–high protein, low calorie, filling, and extremely tasty. I am in the middle of a bunch of heavy stuff at work so having her here is a huge help. She has to go to the doctor tomorrow, but that does not get in the way of managing her house and managing me for which both the house and I are very grateful. I think I might be working all weekend this weekend because of pressing requirements at my day job. It is not a problem at all when Lorena is here to keep things under control.
It always stinks to not have Lorena here with me, but if she is not with me, it is all OK if she can be with one of the kids. Christian and Lorena were going to take another shot at going to a Trump rally in New Hampshire today, but when they went out to take the train to a restaurant, then had more rational thoughts, so the turned around and went home. And they decided that if they could not even get to a restaurant because of the cold, why would it make any sense to go to New Hampshire to stand in line out in the cold for hours to get into the Trump rally. Instead, they bought a soup bone, some beef stew meat, vegetables, and little corn-on-the-cobs, went home and made some Mexican caldo. That was the best idea they had all day. The photo above is of Boston across the solidly frozen Charles River.
Today is a travel day for Lorena and I. I am headed for a very short start in Portland to meet with my research team for my day job, spend a long overdue evening with my siblings and to take my friend Bryan to dinner to catch up. I am scheduled to be home before the end of the weekend. Lorena, for her part is doing something way cooler, both in terms of temperature and coolness. She is flying to Boston to accompany Christian to a Donald Trump rally in New Hampshire leading up to the primary. Will report on this as soon as I have news.
Lorena took this picture a little before 10 am this morning in Granbury at my favorite coffee bar. I had to wait a few minutes for the store to open while Lorena went antique shopping. When they finally unlocked the door, it was hard to decide whether to stay there, enjoy the sun, and read my book or go in and order my usual cup of coffee. In the end, I went inside, but am amazed that that is even a decision to consider on January 6. Sun at this time of year where I grew up and lived most of my life in the Pacific Northwest as a rarity indeed. Of course, Texas can get just as cold or colder than the Willamette Valley, but it is nice to have the sun come out in the mix unlike winter in Oregon where there are mostly just clouds and damp. There are trade-offs in all this and I honestly love both places.
One of my favorite parts of Lorena’s trip to Cambridge to visit Christian was that they went down to a pumpkin patch and the liked it so much they went back again. Christian got a pumpkin and carved it up for Halloween. It came out great. We used to do this every year and we really ought to take it up again. The art of pumpkin carving is way underrated. But that was not all. When Lorena showed me the pictures I remembered how cool he has his apartment set up. It is pretty small, but also pretty amazing in terms of both style and utility. The best part was the end product.

Lorena flew home from Boston this morning. I have no idea how I survive when she is gone. She flew JetBlue on a frequent flyer miles ticket which is a leftover from when I was flying between Portland or Seattle and Boston every 4-5 weeks until the pandemic hit and I got told to just work from home. WiFi is free on JetBlue so we could message each other. When they got to the airport the pilot came on and said they were going to do a loop around the airport and try again because the landing window was too tight. Loren was irritated by that, but I told her it is better to have to sit a little longer and land safely than take the risk. It is actually something for which to be thankful. We are already planning her next flight down to Monterrey, God willing. This trip should be just a short one as the whole purpose is to sign some papers on the real estate and pick up Grandma Conchita to come spend Thanksgiving with us.
Christian ran Lorena up through Maine and New Hampshire to see the leaves, a new lighthouse (Nubble Lighthouse in York, Maine) and chase down a hamburger from a “best of” list in Portsmouth. The leaves were only mediocre but the hamburger and the light house were nothing short of spectacular. I get to suffer through another three days here in Texas without Lorena, but it surely seems like she is having a great time. In the meantime, Christian got a new (to him) Surface Pro tablet that makes me think I want one myself. He got it just in time to take with him to be big conference on the west coast. It will give himself something to do on that six hour flight from Boston to California.
Lorena and Christian are having too much fun in Boston. There is no way I want to miss the next trip.The first thing they did is went further north into New England to pick apples, eat fresh-made donuts, and view the leaves. Supposedly, Lorena went there to give Christian a hand while he prepares for a conference where a paper will be published at the end of October, but it surely looks like they are having too much fun for that. The last thing they sent me was this steak and potatoes picture that certainly did not help my diet very much. Well, the whole crew should be here for Thanksgiving, so at least I have that to look forward to.
I am envious of Lorena eating in Sommerville, Mass. at an Italian Restaurant in Davis Square named Posto. That is always our first stop when we visit Christian in Boston. I am sitting at home eating canned soup and wishing I was there with them. I think they are headed up to Maine to do some leaf watching tomorrow.
A friend of mine from work took this picture while she was in New York City for a conference. I loved the clouds and the moon behind the Empire State Building. Kelly goes to NYC a lot these days. This is Christian’s second weekend in a row there. One of these days, Lorena and I are going to have to have to make our way there. I have never been a fan of NYC, but that might have a lot to do with me not knowing what is there. The kids certainly seem to enjoy themselves. Maybe Lorena should plan a week there sometime before too long, but it is hard to make that choice when we enjoy seeing Christian in Boston and Kelly in Washington, D.C. so much–not to mention San Pedro Garza García. In addition to that, it might be a little out of our price range. It is a storied city and I am sure it would be well worth it. Maybe we can do that after we visit, Mexico City, an even more storied city.
Everyone is back home from Mexico now. Kelly and I have already started work. Christian is waiting for administrative work to be completed so he can look for an apartment near his new job. Tomorrow, Lorena starts the last class she needs to graduate.
This trip had some challenges, but God has his hand in everything. Those challenges turned into time for discussion and reflection that would not have occurred if everything went smoothly. Out of that reflection and discussion came some ideas to explore about what we should do over the next few years.
The setting in Monterrey was just amazing. There was a very small amount of rain and otherwise spectacular weather. There is no city quite like Monterrey with its multiple mountain ranges around and through the city. The video above shows only a minor piece of the city and some of those mountains.
After several carnes asadas, we did note that it would be very nice to figure out how add a charcoal/mesquite grill to our patio. We are working on that now. There were other, bigger ideas that we are actually working on pretty hard that have to do with our home here in Washington and some possible opportunities in Monterrey and its environs.
Kelly painted this watercolor of a bee on a postcard for a friend how plans to enter it in a charity auction. I do not know if she has any chance of winning, but she certainly had fun doing it. She has one more day in Cornwall after which she will head to London for a few days, then attend a church convention somewhere near by. After that, she will have a day or two in London then catch an airplane just in time to make the long move from West to East coast.
This is the fig tree in Christian’s kitchen. He has been nourishing it faithfully for a long time and now has some figs to show for it. It has been a bit of a struggle because he has to take it to the lab so one of his friends there can take care of it whenever he travels. It is nice to be able to work remotely from Arizona in February. This is the first time I have really taken advantage of the opportunity, but I am really glad to be able to do it.
We used a separate credit card that we rarely use for Lorena’s and Kelly’s trip to London so we have a record of where they went while they were there. I got a big kick out of the fact that there were thinks like Shake Shack, McDonald’s, and Whole Foods interspersed with famous London tourist and historical sites. It is similar to the joy we get out of the fact that Lorena is very Mexican in upbringing and culture, but worked at a McDonald’s while she was in high school and lived right up the street from a Super Walmart.
The girls recent trip to England reminded me of a trip we took almost exactly 12 years ago to see a full size replica of Stonehenge put up as a memorial to the soldiers from Klickitat County, Washington who died in World War I. There is a description of it all here. It is called the Maryhill Stonehenge and has a nice little museum close by. The view there is spectacular and the drive there is not so bad either–about a couple of hours east of Portland on a path that takes one past Multnomah Falls, the Bonneville Fish Hatchery, the wind surfers at Hood River, and many other attractions. This picture was taken right beside the monument and the wind was blowing hard as it often does in that part of the world.
Lorena and Kelly are safely back home now. I picked them up at the airport yesterday. They had a fabulous time and are already planning their return to Europe, or maybe down under. Either way, they are now world travelers, or so they say. One thing is still true, it is always good to be back on terra firma in the United States with their constitutional rights intact, now longer depending on the “free” NHS of the UK for what passes as health care (oxymoron that it is in that part of the world). They met wonderful people, ate wonderful food, and have wonderful, wonderful memories of a wonderful place. Rightly so. A truly phenomenal first trip over the pond.
The trip of a lifetime. I am so glad Lorena and Kelly decided to do this. We cannot wait to get them back home so we can hear about it in person.
After high tea at the Savoy Hotel, the only logical way to up your game gastronomically is to go to McDonald’s. I am seriously worried about Kelly though–she actually said, “the ketchup is better here.” A couple of questions are begged at this point. 1) Who goes to London for food? and 2) Who judges a McDonald’s by the quality of its ketchup. Still, there is no down side to a happy meal. Still I am happy for Lorena. As an avid McDonald’s fan and ex-multi-year employee, it was important for her to check out the McDonald’s in England. She has visited a McDonald’s in every country in North America, so now she wants to do Europe.