"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Category: Politics Page 1 of 5

Chaotic and random times

I had several conversation today about the chaotic state of the world. These are people who do not necessarily have common world views with me or the others with whom I spoke. We were all in complete agreement that we loathe the values and methods of the side that we are on–very different sides in some cases, but that none of us are very excited about the people who are supposedly on our side. It was confirming that this dissonance was common to us all, irrespective of our world views. Of course, people like me look at the eschatological significance and how what is happening aligns with Christian morality. I am discomfited. But so are others who do not have my world view. At least we have a common context within which to discuss what is going on that is more closely aligned than I have seen in a long time, at least among the people of good will with whom I like to engage–my friends.

Trump inauguration 2025

I spent the whole day watching Donald Trump’s second inauguration. I really like a lot of the things he plans to do, but have a level of discomfort with the cavalier attitude the whole movement has taken with respect to moral values and obligations. At the same time, he seems to be in the side of Israel and he wants to defeat a lot of bad things. The older I get the more I feel an acute sense of my need of forgiveness of sin and society’s willingness to both do and promote things that got Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed. God have mercy on us all.

Trump inauguration 2025

Kelly was at an inauguration event a couple of nights ago and is scheduled to be at about three more events in Washington DC today and then another one or two again tomorrow. She is a little bit under the weather, but it surely seems like she is enjoying it quite a bit. She took this picture at the first event of Steve Bannon, political gadfly (in the middle), Nigel Farage, fake conservative (on the right–not a fan–he thinks he has the standing to disparage Tommy Robinson–he does not), and some other guy on the left. We are pretty excited to hear about what happens today. Mom and I listened to the pre-inauguration Trump speech at the rally he had the day before the inauguration. It was pretty fun.

Reading and engaging

Kelly got me this book for Christmas. I have read up to page 119 so far. I like it. At the same time, the book features what seem to be unsupported assertions that might not have stood the test of time. Maybe they are valid assertions, but we cannot know that from what was written as far as I can tell. The cited McCarthy example is a case in point. I would venture to guess that most are in agreement with the assertion, but I know that it is an ongoing discussion. It is irritating because I think I am learning a lot from the book, but I cannot be exactly sure because of these unsupported viewpoints. Browsing the citations in the end notes for the chapters did not mitigate my uneasiness.

McCarthy threatened the entire edifice of anticommunism by associating it with crackpot theories and embarrassing theatrics.

Continetti, M. (2022). The Right: The Hundred-Year War for American Conservatism. Basic Books. Page 110

Maybe I should not have started this post with a diatribe on my reservations about this book because I am enjoying it immensely. It was a spectacular gift. At the same time, an analysis of conservatism associated with both the New York Times, National Review, and Bill Kristol with the bulk of the author’s life lived in the Northeast with twenty years in Washington, D.C. gives me great pause. It reinforces my decision to not characterize myself as conservative nor of the right, but as a follower of Jesus. It is hard for me to imagine that someone of this pedigree has any real sense of what people think in fly-over country which makes up the vast bulk of those who make up “the right.”

That the author is characterized as an intellectual in this podcast, also gives me pause.

Trump/Harris debate

I am profoundly less political this presidential election than I was during the last election in 2020 and I was profoundly less political in that election than the one previous to that. Lorena and I are watching the debate tonight, but for me, it is with a great deal of ambivalence. I am currently reading through the Old Testament of the Bible and it seems like we are in an era where the leadership of the USA is not dissimilar from the weak and evil kings of Judah and Israel. The political choice is a choice for the lesser of two evils. This is a time to focus on Christ. The culture at large is immersed in sin. Jeremiah and Elijah understood this. Part way into the debate, I am saddened by both sides. I am glad Jesus is King and God is the only true God. That is my politics today.

Beautiful thunderstorm

Dark, dark clouds are on the horizon. I hope they are actual and not metaphorical, too. Things just seem to be getting crazier and crazier. Politics, culture, and just life. It is a very interesting time to be alive. I need to keep reminding myself we were all put in this time and place by a higher power and to just go where I am taken and do what I can to be a help. God is in control and it all comes out OK in the end.

Trump gets shot

There was an assassination attempt yesterday on Donald Trump. I am writing this post, not so much to comment about it, but to provide a marker in the blog for when it happened. The first time something like this happened in my lifetime was in 1963 when I was eight years old at recess in the third grade at Harrison Elementary School in Cottage Grove, Oregon. Cottage Grove High School was up the hill from Harrison and we saw some high school kids running down the hill to talk to the teacher on recess duty. They told her that John F. Kennedy had been killed. The second was, of course, when the Twin Trade Towers in New York City were hit in 2001. We lived in Sherwood, Oregon at the time and I had just dropped my in-laws off at the airport to return to Monterrey, Mexico and was on my way to work. When I got to work, everyone was glued to a television watching the it all. I got there just in time to see the second tower get hit, live. This attempt might fit into a second category in terms of my awareness–not the gravity of the event, the assassin killed an innocent bystander in the audience. I remember where I was and what I was doing when Ronald Reagan got shot in 1981 (riding on a train from Boise to Denver with Curt Nichols) and when the Space Shuttle Challenger blew up in 1986 (sitting in a dentist chair). Yesterday, Christian sent a note to Lorena that the President Trump had been shot. I was sitting at my desk working (on a Saturday) so I immediately pulled up X (Twitter) and spent the rest of the day following the events.

El Carrancista

We found out today that the grandfather of Omar, one of our most dear friends in Mexico fought in the Mexican revolution as a Carrancista. If you do not know what that is, it is okay. You can read a little about it here. He enlisted in the forces of Pancho Villa (not a nice man) when he was very young–maybe just a boy. That war was brutal. My thesis adviser for my Masters degree at University of Texas at El Paso told me that one out of every five people in Mexico lost their life during the war. I am not sure that is true and there is not a consensus on how many actually did, but there is a consensus on the fact that a LOT of people died. The sad part is that is that the influenza epidemic of 1918 took even more people. We are looking forward to the next time we can get together with Omar to ask him about all this.

Sunday dinner

Lorena and I have been living according to an ad hoc schedule since when I finished my degree back in December. We have been at loose ends trying to figure out what to do next. We have finished almost all we set out to accomplish since we arrived in Texas almost three years ago. The only thing left is the thing that is, mostly, keeping us in Texas–that is the finishing of the house on the hill to the point where we can live in it well. We are still six or so months away from that. By that time, we will be close to the end of the year and time to receive family for the holidays, so we are thinking it does not make sense to do something else until early 2025. The election will have occurred by then and either Trump will be president or it will have been stolen again. Either way, that will be at least a little bit of an indicator about what we might want to do and where we might want to live.

I said all that to say that we have decided to try to start living a more ordered life again. To that end, we went out today after our worship meeting and bought fixing for a fine Sunday dinner of pork loin and vegetables. That is one of the little things we hope to continue to do through this period of uncertainty. We want to add other regularities like that to our lives.

The Trump rally, a near miss

Christian and Lorena got tickets for the Trump rally today in Manchester, NH, drove up there from Cambridge (only about an hour drive), saw the massive lines to get in, checked the temperature (14° F), and decided to try again tomorrow at the Concord, NH rally. Lorena has been a huge Trump fan since the very beginning. They were pretty sad, but there was a good chance that the would have stood in line for several hours and still not been able to get in. I have gotten a lot less political with age. More and more, I am buying into the “not my circus, not my monkeys” motif and I think it seems to serve me well. It is very much in the spirit of “render unto Caesar” and the whole concept behind Mere Christianity. Still, I do like the Donald and would love to see him poke the establishment in the eye.

Not in my lifetime

Maybe it is because we are approaching Halloween that I am thinking about these things, but it is magnified by a spiritual decline in the west and around the world that provokes a strong sense of foreboding. The spirit of the current age is very different from anything I have experienced in my lifetime. Paganism is on the rise in the west, even to the displacement of the Enlightenment informed atheism that was in ascendancy for so many years. Cultural Christianity is in steep decline. The war in Ukraine is/was disconcerting, but the new war in Israel has distinct apocalyptic overtones–especially with the saber rattling of Turkey and Russia in conjunction with the already heavy Iranian involvement that evokes remembrances of Biblical prophecy. The response around the world to all this seems demonic. Right now I am reading through the Old Testament, just finishing Joshua and starting into Judges this morning. The Old Testament narrative arc culminates in a cataclysmic end and new beginning with fierce spiritual warfare. Now is not the time to be complacent.

Deleted accounts

I deleted my twitter account today. The next step is to start moving from gmail and outlook email to ProtonMail.com. They are untrustworthy. After that, I will be leaving instagram. I have been using duckduckgo for search but have recently switch to swisscows. Same for WhatsApp and Hangouts–I have mostly made the stitch to Signal. The funny deal is that all the new ones actually work better for me than the ones they replaced.

New Year upheaval in 2021

Today, everything that is going on just seems crazy. We do not have a new U.S. President yet and whichever one ends up in office will make half of the country go crazy. The morality of the culture at large is abjectly bad. We are in the middle of a pandemic for over which there are additional levels of crazy on all sides of the issue. The funny deal is that at this one snapshot in time, our lives are going well, at least in a temporal sense. Lorena just earned her Associate of Arts degree in December. Kelly and Christian both have good jobs that would preclude them from being taken into the military if there is war. They both got good little, end-of-year raises at a time when that is quite uncommon. I have a job I love that, if we can solve a few more problems, we will speed up and provided a more controlled environment for virology and other types of research that require the growing of cells under specific conditions. What happens over the next few weeks with respect to the President will not have a huge effect on any of these things, but life could get a lot more insecure with respect to financial, moral, and physical security. In the meantime, we have a great view out our living room window.

More graphs

I know the postings have been sparse and I am turning this site into a single trick blog, but in this time of the China Virus pandemic, there is not really much more to do. Honestly, though I have hope that I will be able to write about other stuff. There certainly is some other stuff on my radar. The political correctness of my current university is pretty much off the charts even though it is in the middle of fly-over country. I would be enjoying the ridiculousness of it if it were not so evil. So, rather than dwell on the negative, I am pressing on toward more important things.

For instance, the graph above was done in Python with a library called matplotlib. I am not great at it yet, but making a lot of progress. I feel really handicapped moving from C++ to Python, but this and some other libraries like ggplot are the gold standard for this kind of graph creation, so I am biting the bullet and working through it. I only have a few more graphs to complete for my first article.

Mid-term election thoughts

I was a little discouraged watching the election returns last night, but then I read these verses and got some perspective.

Luke 17:20-21 Being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, he answered them, “The kingdom of God is not coming in ways that can be observed, nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There!’ for behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.”

It reminded me of when I first heard the saying, “Not my circus, not my monkeys.” My sister, Aunt Julia, told us that when some kids were acting up. Precisely right. In the end, the election was not all bad from my perspective, but this is definitively not my kingdom and not my king. Still, render to Caesar…

Kelly votes–2018

Kelly voted today and had some nice and interesting things to be about it. Here is what she had to say:

Dad texted me today to inform me that Susan B. Anthony was the first woman in the US to cast a vote (this is a lie, it was someone else) which I thought was VERY inspirational and anyway I looked it up and even if she wasn’t the very first, she definitely got arrested for voting illegally in 1872 and if *that* story (on top of modern events if you’re a well adjusted & morally sensitive person unlike myself!) doesn’t stir up the flames of righteous feminine patriotism within your heart I don’t know what will! What a country we live in that even my contemptible, procrastinating tush is allowed to fill out a ballot online, print it, and drop it off in the ballot box up until 8pm on election day! Apathy is for spineless chumps and I know my Rosie the Riveter kitchen plaque would say the same!! Get out there & vote your conscience!.
(this is a picture i took of myself when i felt cute but also had to hide from employees in an anthropologie downtown bc i was using a hidden outlet to charge my phone at 2%, which is as good of a depiction of my political life as any I think).

Enough said. Vote pro-life.

Election news

We live in interesting times. The most notable non-presidential election of my lifetime is scheduled to take place this coming Tuesday. I am not wildly involved in any of this, but like to know what is going on. I do not trust any of the traditional news sources–we have not subscribed to a paper and ink newspaper for a couple of decades now and we do not have a television. That leaves the internet and, to a much lesser extent, the radio. Fortunately, I think it is possible figure out what is going on better than any time in my lifetime. I will continue to depend on non-traditional news sources and continue to vet my current sources at the same time I look for new ones.

Trisha meets with the Donald

My cousin, Trisha, attended the Donald Trump rally in Elko, Nevada yesterday. She lives only a mile from the venue. She said it was amazing about every school bus and piece of heavy equipment in the county was used as crowd control and security barriers. The crowd was huge and 6000-7000 people were turned away because they ran out of room. It sounds like it was very high energy and consisted of the standard stump speech kind of stuff. What was the best was the Trump did not use a teleprompter. Everything he said was from him. He might not be the most polished orator, but much better than the previous occupant of his office who read in monotone from a script in front of him.

Remembering 9/11/2011

I have been reading a lot of memories of 9/11/2001 on the internet today. I dug up some old video (kind of bad, but if you download it, you can hear the sound) of the Kelly when she was 7 years old and Christian when he was 5 years old, just three months before the attack on the twin trade towers. Grandpa Lauro and Grandma Conchita were visiting us when we lived in Sherwood, Oregon. It all happened right after I dropped them off at the airport in Portland and headed off to work in West Portland. Their flight got canceled and they had to take a taxi home. I listened on the radio after the first tower was hit, then made it to work at ESI in time to watch the second airplane fly into the second tower and the two towers both fall to the ground on live television. My sister Jean was in New York heading toward the towers when this all happened. They got stuck there for quite a few days before they could make their way home, but that is another story for another time.

Smoke in the valley, again

The whole valley behind the house is obscured by smoke from forest fires. It is kind of crazy how often this happens and it is because logging does not occur as it did when I was growing up in Oregon. Because of that the snags and underbrush do not get cleaned up and thinning does not occur so there is just massive amounts of fuel ripe for these big fires. This is our second summer in this house and it happened last year, too. We hope someone comes to their senses and the forests get opened up again so this does not happen so much in the future. It would be good for the economy, too.

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