Lorena has moved from fixing toilets to installing washing machines and she owes it all the the fact that I am too fat to sit on the washing machine without denting it. She did a fabulous job.
Category: House and home Page 1 of 14
The one “feature” of our house that we have not really figured out yet is the narrow, no-landing staircase that leads to the second floor. Putting big stuff up on the second floor would require us to get a lift or a boom of some kind and passing them through an upstairs window because some of the stuff we have will not fit through the stairway openings. It is hassle more than cost, but it made us realize that there are only two of us and it makes sense to live on the first floor and use the upstairs for visitors. To that end, we have decided to eliminate a few things, put up a couple of walls to create a downstairs office, finish out our bonus room upstairs with a mini-split so that we can cool and heat a single room rather than the entire second floor, and then just use the upstairs for when the kids come and to maybe do exercises and watch movies in the bonus room.
The truck from Texas arrived and was unloaded yesterday. As always, there was a lot of broken stuff. With so much experience moving around, you would think we would have this all figured out. Actually, maybe we do have it figured out. Things will go wrong. At any rate, everything is in the house and in the garage. Now all we need is a few months to get everything put into place.
Lorena and I have been just hanging out in the house waiting for the moving truck to arrive and for broadband internet. We got notice a couple of days that the truck broke down and heard yesterday it will be two days late. If we had comfortable chairs here, that would not be so bad, but we do not. As for the broadband internet, we are still in limbo, but hope to learn next week whether any of the cable companies are willing to pull wire to our house. If they do not, our only option will be StarLink. It is a little slow and a little expensive, but we can survive with that.
Our new house is next door to what I think is just a hobby farm. The have sheep and chickens we have been enjoying very much. So far we have only seen a couple of sheep–a white one and a brown one so maybe they are a 4-H project. That almost makes it better if that is true. We cannot wait until our moving truck gets here so we can use our binoculars to get a little better luck.
The tractor for the truck with all our stuff broke down so it will not arrive until Sunday or Monday (hopefully) rather than tomorrow as previously planned. A minor setback.
The flight up from Mexico was uneventful. Then we had a couple of days of lots of activity getting the truck loaded with our stuff and hanging out with our dear Coker friends. Then we spent two and a half days driving from Texas to Virginia. Honestly, it was one of the least stressful moves (so far–we have not unloaded the truck yet). we have ever made. It was truly a beautiful drive from Granbury, Texas through Arkansas and Tennessee to Virginia. It just made us more grateful to God for his kindness to us in all things. I will post a couple of the pictures Lorena took of our drive tomorrow.
We have no words sufficiently adulatory to express how grateful we are to the Cokers, our friends in Texas. They went wildly above and beyond to help us with our move out of Texas to Virginia, then they did it again the next day to help a friend move to Texas from Louisiana. They are literally the most hospitable and servicial people in the world.
The picture above is from when Lorena and I made a final toast for a spectacular seven months in San Pedro. We cannot wait to go back, but it will be a while because Tío Lynn needs to finish the remodel of the house up on the hill. In the meantime, we had a beautiful and uneventful drive from Texas to Virginia. More on that over the next few days.
Christian has a great car. Since he is living in a place where he does not really need one, we have been keeping it for him in Texas. We hope to get it licensed under our name so we can use it in Virginia. We made arrangements to have it picked up and delivered a week or two after we arrive. Only a few days left.
We are only a week and a day from our move to Virginia. We are starting to get stuff checked off in our to-do list. The moving truck is ordered, the money has been moved to the right places so we can make the payment, the airline tickets are purchased to fly from Mexico to Texas, and transportation to the airport in Mexico and from the airport in Texas is arranged. We still need to get hotels arranged for the drive. We also found out that our car is not adequate to pull a car trailer, so we will have to get that shipped before after we get to Virginia. At least now everything seems to be a little more under control.

Our plans to buy a house in Virginia have moved forward. God willing, we will close the sale on March 3. Our stuff is all scheduled to arrive between March 4 and 6. The following things have been accomplished:
- Closing date scheduled
- Down payment set aside
- Loan finalized
- Truck scheduled to move our stuff
- Home insurance selected
- Tickets from Mexico to Texas purchase
- Drive from Texas to Virginia planned
We will have a lot to do when we arrive, but the first thing will be to get internet service and get my office set up so I do not miss too much work. Looking forward to the whole deal.
One of our real estate agents sent me this photo this morning of the view looking out of the living room toward our neighbor to the east for the house we are working on buying.. He told us the neighbor has sheep that graze on the other side of the trees from the house. Lorena and I are very much looking forward to that view in the mornings and the evenings. It can also be seen from the screen porch at the back of the house.
Grandma Conchita came over last night and Tío Lynn grilled us up some steaks to celebrate the beginning of the purchase process for a new house in Virginia. The seller accepted our offer (we got the price down a little and they agreed to screen in the back porch) and we have paid the earnest money deposit and are in the process of getting the inspections done and getting the appraiser out to value the house. We found a house that is on the side of Richmond (not in Richmond, but outside) we want to live, but close to everything to which we want to be close.
We are very grateful that we were able to find the kind of house we wanted. It will be a perfect place for just the two of us to live on the bottom floor, but big enough that the kids can spread out and invite friends whenever they want. We are a short train ride up to where Kelly lives and a cheap flight to where Christian lives. The best part is that we will be close to the kids, but finding a house that works for us, does not have a ton of upkeep, and has lots of trees and potential garden space is worth gold. Hope there are no hiccups in the purchase. We do not anticipate any.
We have a house identified we want to buy in Virginia. We thought it had some issues with surface water. I never thought my degree and connections to the hydrology would help me do anything other than volunteer to work with my friends, but it really paid off to have someone to call for advise and to understand a lot of it myself.
This post is just a marker for the time Lorena and I decided not to build a house in Texas, but to move to Virginia so we can be closer to the kids and see them on weekends. More soon, God willing.
Coker & Co. of Granbury, Texas is close to breaking ground, God willing, on the house we hope to construct. We are working through the final design with Brad, the owner of the company. He is just amazing. We were very pleased with the design made by Larry, our designer, but Brad has added touches that will fundamentally improve the livability of the house. He made the pantry, living room, and laundry room bigger, added a sink to laundry room, added a closet to the office, and did it all without changing the footprint of the house. We are truly enjoying working through this process with him.
There is nothing really earthshaking to report today. I had a good day at work, a good day with our (Lorena and my) exercise programs, a good day with advancements in the completion of the apartments, and I did not gain a ton of weight. All is good. Today was just a regular day and I am grateful for it.
Lorena and I spent the night in sleeping bags in this spectacular, now empty house in Godley, Texas that is no longer our home. We have lots of great memories and loved just about everything about the house. Lorena did her exercises on the rowing machine and the treadmill in the media room with the huge windows looking onto the back yard. She took naps there on the sofa in the afternoon and we watched Midsomer Murders there just about every evening for the last six months. We loved the fireplace and used it whenever we could find an excuse–sometimes when it was not even cold outside.
I loved my office with its diploma wall, overstuffed sofa and chair, variable height bamboo desk, three huge monitors, and so much more. The office is where I did the last half of my PhD, met via video conference with my colleagues at Thrive Bioscience, read my Bible first think every morning with a glass of water, a cup of creatine laced coffee, and checked out the news on X and Telegram. Before we got the projector and big screen in the media room, Lorena and I often sat on the sofa and watched the British mystery series we like so much. We never did get around to installing bookshelves in the office or on either side of the fireplace, but we hope to do that at the very beginning in the house we hope to build in Granbury, Lord willing.
All our worldly goods are not safely in short term storage while we wait for our hose to be built in Granbury, Texas. The house is empty, so Lorena and I are spending the night in sleeping bags on the floor for one more night after which we will drop off a few things at our builder’s office (Coker & Company) before our favorite airport shuttle driver picks us up to catch a plane to Monterrey. If every thing works as plan and God is willing, Lorena’s brother Lynn will pick us up tomorrow night and install us in our apartment where we hope to stay for the next four to five months until our house on the hill, five blocks above the apartments is currently being renovated. Stay tuned for pictures!!!
The packers came to get everything in the house ready to move. There are three guys and the hope to be out of the house in 3-4 hours. Lorena has been a real champion in preparing and organizing everything so it will be a fairly easy job for the packers to make everything move ready. We got a bunch of snacks, water, and protein drinks for the works and plan to do it again tomorrow. I think we might run down and get some KFC to bring back to the house for tonight because we really do not have any way to prepare food in the house. I cannot believe we are only two and a half days from flying to Mexico. We can hardly wait.