The flight up from Mexico was uneventful. Then we had a couple of days of lots of activity getting the truck loaded with our stuff and hanging out with our dear Coker friends. Then we spent two and a half days driving from Texas to Virginia. Honestly, it was one of the least stressful moves (so far–we have not unloaded the truck yet). we have ever made. It was truly a beautiful drive from Granbury, Texas through Arkansas and Tennessee to Virginia. It just made us more grateful to God for his kindness to us in all things. I will post a couple of the pictures Lorena took of our drive tomorrow.
Category: Granbury
Coker & Co. of Granbury, Texas is close to breaking ground, God willing, on the house we hope to construct. We are working through the final design with Brad, the owner of the company. He is just amazing. We were very pleased with the design made by Larry, our designer, but Brad has added touches that will fundamentally improve the livability of the house. He made the pantry, living room, and laundry room bigger, added a sink to laundry room, added a closet to the office, and did it all without changing the footprint of the house. We are truly enjoying working through this process with him.

This is close to the final design for the house we want to build in Granbury. The color is not quite right–it will be blue rather than gray, but the floor plan and the rest of the exterior are complete. The next step is to go before the Historic Preservation Committee. Larry, our designer is submitting the final renderings for that process sometime today for a meeting later this month.
Since Larry, our house designer, has to submit our stuff by Wednesday to get on the Historic Preservation Committee meeting agenda later in the month, we have been frantically scrolling through house pictures to find the exact combination that meets Lorena’s approval. We think we have found it. Lorena wants it to look like the house in this image, but with maybe a slightly lighter blue and a slightly whiter white. Picking something that is already in the neighborhood makes it easier for the committee to give their approval. We really do like the colors and Larry says we should be able to test it out on a little portion of the house when we get to that point and adjust the brightness a little. We also think it will go nicely with the red window frames our builder and designer want to use.
This Fourth of July weekend has been relaxing for Lorena and I. Our main goal this weekend has been to decide what colors we want for the exterior of the new house so we can take it to the Granbury Historic Preservation Commission for approval. We think we have decided but are going to sleep on it for a couple more nights. One of the things we found out is that a free trolley runs a loop to all the hotels and tourist spots around town on holidays and weekends. It stops wherever you want it to stop and it runs right in front of our house, so that is going to be handy!
Lorena thinks she wants a the new house to be yellow. She likes something a little bit on the brighter side of pastel. We have to pick the exterior colors for the house by Monday so our new friend, Larry the house designer, can present them to the Granbury Historic Preservation Commission. God willing, the process has started. My understanding of the way it works is that, as soon as the plans are approved, the construction drawings can start. When the construction drawings are complete, two processes that both take about a month will kick off in parallel. Engineering drawings for the foundation and all adjustments needed for that will start. In addition, a very rigorous costing of the house will be formulated so we will know how much money is needed. There will be a big meeting at the end of that process with spreadsheet in hand to determine what kind of trade-offs are needed to meet budget constraints and/or add some “nice-to-haves” if the money is available. When all this is done and all goes well, the house starts getting built in earnest.
Lorena rented climate-controlled storage space for all our worldly goods today. I worked through the insurance for the things in storage and for Christian’s car which should arrive here, hopefully before the end of the month. He has little use for a car in New York City, so we will keep it here in Texas so we can use it when we come back to check out what is going on with the house as it gets built. I also figured out how to earn some interest on the money we get from the sale of our current house to help us pay for the new house. There are a lot of moving parts in all of this and while we do not feel like we are in control of it all, it seems less harried than in previous moves. Maybe it is because we have been through it so many times before. We will see what happens when it is time to actually start moving things. Lorena has gotten a big jump on packing things, so when the hired packers come, maybe there will be a little less to do.
We got a text from our real estate agent that said the people who want to buy our house have made an offer that is acceptable to all parties. We were supposed to get to get a document to sign last night, but it has not arrived close to a day later. I kind of understand because our agent is on vacation in Costa Rica. At the same time, Lorena and I have a finite amount of time to get everything done: 1) travel for work, 2) handle finances for address changes in the US and Mexico, 3) move out of the house into storage, and 4) make the final design changes for the new house before we leave. We are really hoping this thing is complete before the weekend, but our agent is completely out of contact.
Yesterday we received notice that a couple liked both our house (Lorena is the queen of staging houses for sale) and the price and plan to make us an offer today after figuring out some financing options. It that happens, then the clock starts ticking on a move to the house in the picture in Mexico. Lorena’s brother, Tío Lynn says he will have the first floor of the house turned into an apartment with an operational kitchen, bathroom, and office with broadband internet by the time we get there. We were told we will have 4-6 weeks from the time we accept the offer. In that time, we have to pack up and move everything into storage, fill the car up with the essentials I will need to do my job, set up our new address at the property where the house will be built, God willing, and figure out how to manage finances from our place in Mexico.
Lorena and I had quite an amazing Mother’s Day yesterday. Both the kids called and we had long, interesting talks with them about life, plans, frustrations, and ambitions. Maybe there is no better Mother’s Day present than to have confidence your kids are on the right track with God. Lorena decided she wanted a steak for dinner so we drove into Granbury, had some baked chicken for lunch, and bought a steak. The dinner was the real deal, evidenced by our post-meal torpidity. Lorena plans to drive back into Granbury sometime today to switch the city water and electrical services over from the previous owner to us. It seems like we have moved from a potential path to an actual path on our plan to build the house even though selling our current house is a pretty big hurdle.
Lorena was quite pleased to learn there is edible cactus growing on the new property. I was hoping it would be the type with the sweet tuna (cactus fruit), but it was not, so we will have to start that on our own. Fortunately, they do not take a long time to grow. We walked the property again today and, while it is not big in absolute terms, it really is about as big as we think we can handle. There is plenty of room for the house, some lawn, a garden, a small greenhouse, and an out building we want to use as a workshop.

We were supposed to have the kick-off meeting with our house designer this afternoon at 1:15, but we started getting tornado warnings pretty early in the morning so we bumped the meeting until 11. There was a little bit of a storm and a good amount of wind at the specified time, but thankfully, it passed us up.
The meeting was great. We had it at the designers house. He is just a little older than me and he and his wife have very similar ideas about what they want their house to be as Lorena and I. Of course, it is nice to think about all the great things that are possible and that is fun, but the disconnect between what one can afford and what is possible is often very wide. Fortunately, Lorena and I have done this enough times that we know where we want to spend a little more money and, mostly, where it is OK to skimp. We liked the designer a lot and are looking forward to working with him.
The closing for the property where we want to build a house in closer to town (within walking distance) is on Friday this week. The preliminary meeting with the house designer is tomorrow and, hopefully, our current house will go on the market before the end of next week. With all this happening so fast, Lorena was quite pleased that she could harvest this spectacular Texas sunflower to enjoy while we start to prepare the house for showing and, also hopefully, a move. Houses in this area are currently staying on the market for 2-3 months, but the traditional school year ends mid-May and the buying season kicks in because people want to get moved in time to enroll their kids properly into their new schools, so we have lots of hope that the house will sell within that 2-3 month time frame. We are doing a little bit of a balancing act because the house in Mexico where we want to live while the new house is being built is not quite ready for us.
…but they will slow down dramatically after we buy the property. We do not think our house will sell immediately so there will be an impatient wait there. After that, there will be a frenetic move of all our stuff from our house into short-term storage and a move to Mexico followed by what could be a year long wait while the house is built. Hopefully, the two month (or so) design phase will coincide with the time it takes to build the house AND the time it takes to get our house on the hill in San Pedro to the point where we can live in it. There are LOTS of moving parts, but this, to me, is going to be another chance to do one more big thing. Actually, it is pretty small in the whole scheme of things, but big in terms of the amount of planning and effort it will take to implement the whole thing, God willing.