I hurt myself lifting weights about six weeks ago so I was out from getting any kind of real exercise from then until yesterday. I have decided I will start back at a low level and slowly increase the weight I lift. I am a little sore today, but it really does feel good to be back working out again. Lorena has been extremely consistent since we got to Mexico. She was doing mostly weights until a couple of weeks ago, but really missed the cardio so she has increased the time she spends on the elliptical at the gym to close to what she had done previously in all the other places we have lived.
Category: Exercise Page 1 of 3
I am finally trying to get back on the weight/exercise/health wagon and get my program on track. To that end, Lorena cooked her first chicken shish kabobs of the season. Last week she did some bee kabobs. Shrimp makes the trifecta and I am hoping for that next week. They are a summer staple for us and are even good reheated for lunch the next day. Now, all I have to do is get back on track with my walking. The problem here in Texas is that, within a few weeks, it will be too hot to walk at lunchtime which is my ideal time to do it because it gets me away from the desk for an hour. I have a plan, though–mostly I just need to be disciplined about it.
Lorena had her annual medical check-up yesterday and it came out great. She continues to work out HARD four days per week and that was manifested in her results. The doctor told her that she only needs to come in every other year for the time being and that the best thing she can do to say healthy is to maintain her rigorous exercise schedule. Now, with her new Garmin watch, she can track everything she does quite nicely. Again, this is a lesson to me, I have completely fallen off the health wagon again and need to get back on and start exercising. Maintaining the same kind of schedule Lorena maintains would be optimal–two days per week on the rowing machine and two days per week running on the treadmill. I like to do as much as I can outside, but that really is not very practical in the summer in our part of Texas.
I found an amazing new source for audio CD books. Ebay. I cannot believe I did not think of this before. I am going to start loading up on these things so I have books for my walks. I was going to save the audio books for just my walks, but there are so many available and they are so cheap, Lorena and I are planning to listen to one on our 10+ hour drive to Nebraska and back. These books make my daily walks much more enjoyable.
These are my two new friends who sing to me on my daily walks whenever they are outside and they feel like it. Sometimes they do not feel like it. Beautiful dogs! There must be one of those wires around the yard that sends a signal to their collars to give them a little shock if they get to close. They just look like happy dogs.
My walks have been going great. I have many hours of audio books I got from the Hood County Library Bookstore. It makes the whole process more enjoyable. I am trying to up my game to walk seven days per week and when I actually accomplish that it really pays off.
Christian gets in a well-deserved day of hiking at Big Sur after his big presentation on Monday. I hope he gets a chance to see the aquarium in Monterey (the other, less famous Monterey with only one r). That is truly a beautiful part of the world. He is getting together with friends for a few days next and then head on back to Boston.
Lorena’s new Garmin Vívoactive 5 GPS (31st anniversary) watch arrived just in time for her trip to visit Christian in Cambridge for the next week and a half. I get to stay home here in Texas in my office and work. It is an AMAZING watch. I got my Garmin Instinct several years back with a black and white screen. Her watch has a longer battery life, more features, cost just a little bit less. I have to say I am envious, but I also have to say she deserves it way more than me. She still runs four and a half miles two times per week and 8k+ meters on the Concept 2 rower two times per week. She definitely will benefit from the fitness watch. It connects to her phone, keeps track of everything and is really quite fashionable, too.
Lorena and I are celebrating our 31st wedding anniversary this long weekend–I have Columbus Day off from my work. That actual anniversary is not until after the weekend, but we thought we would get a head start on it. We are both trying to stay on our health kicks so we have to plan carefully. There is so much stuff to do in Fort Worth that it is pretty hard to decide. Lorena has been wanting a fitness/GPS/smart watch so she picked one from the Garmin website and I got it for her. I love my Garmin Instinct and have been using it for several years now. Hers is a LOT better. I have a lot of years left in my current watch and there is no reason to buy another other than they are WAY cool and the battery life just keeps getting better. I think I am going to have to wait until I retire, then God willing, I will upgrade.
Now I am heading out for my workout before we go to Fort Worth.
My latest health kick started a month ago on Christian’s birthday. Today I weighed in at a little over twenty pounds less than when I started. My Body Mass Index has dropped from 36.6 (obese level 2) to 33.6 which is obese level 1, a little less than half way just overweight. My eating is significantly decreased in quantity and increased in quality. My exercise is still a pain in the neck, but not painful. I am walking 2.5-3 miles, four days per week, but hope/plan to increase that. My velocities are up from when I began so that is good. The short term goal is to get to under 200 lbs. before my graduation on December 15 after having navigated the Thanksgiving holiday without gaining it all back.
Month 1 WEIGHT: 214.7 lbs. BMI: 33.6
I decided to walk around the neighborhood this morning because the weather has cooled down from over 100° during the day. I got dressed, put on my Monterrey sun hat (given to me by my beloved Mexican mother-in-law) to protect my bald head from the sun. It was 86° when I left the house, but the temperature recorded by my Garmin watch showed that it got up to 95° while I was walking with an average of 94.2°. That is still a good bit too hot for my Anglo/Finnish bloods so I think I will wait a couple of weeks before I try it again.
All that said, I have confirmed, again, my preference for walking around the neighborhood over walking on a treadmill. It is more fun (or at least, less boring), I walk faster and my heart-rate stays in the 50-85% optimal training zone for longer with less discomfort. I am not sure why that is, but that is they way it seems for me.
My old guy weight-lifting book arrived today. I ordered it as soon as Christian recommended. As soon as I got the email that said it arrived and was in our (snail) mailbox, I got all excited with the idea of reading it while I am on the treadmill today. After I saw it, I realized is was WAY bigger than a trade paperback and I might not have too much luck holding it while I walk. We will see. I checked to see if they had a section in the book for guys approaching seventy. The DID! Also a section (the last one) for guys in their seventies, so I think I am all set. Now I need to the book, determine what weights and other material I need to start the program, then make the decision about whether we want to buy weights or head down to a local gym.
Lorena and I bought a treadmill to replace the one our good friends, Bob and Gena, lent us when we lived in Centralia. Lorena has been using it regularly and I have been using it only sporadically for about a year now. Now that I have finished the Ph.D., I no longer have an excuse for being so fat and out of shape. I need to lose fifty pounds (probably more). So, I decided to get on a program again and deal with it. I have always walked pretty fast, between 3.5-4 mph, but I could not do that this time so I am starting to put a program together where I can take it slower and build back up to where I was before. About the maximum rate I can maintain and read a book is about 2.5 miles per hour. I am just going to try to maintain that for a month or so and enjoy the books I have been buying. I am trying to get my speed back up to at least 3.5 mph by the time the weather cools off so I can walk outside. In the meantime, I am going to try to read my book on weightlifting for old guys so I can figure out whether we want to buy some weights or join a gym. We might even see if we can go to a seminar on weightlifting by the company that offers they book–the company is only a couple of hours from where we live.
It has been great to have Christian and Kelly here for a couple of weeks. We drive them both to the airport tomorrow morning to fly back to the east coast. We cooked a turkey, donuts, creme puffs, and a ton of other stuff to see in the New Year and have way to many leftovers with two less mouths to eat it all. This is definitely not going to help me keep my New Year’s resolution until we get it whittled down a little. I now longer have any excuses with the rowing machine and treadmill. It is no just a matter of will and taking the time to get some exercise. In broad strokes, the goals are to
- get to 170 lbs. by my birthday in September,
- write and submit my next journal article by the end of the year, and
- sell our house in San Pedro Garza Garcia and buy another one there, also by the end of the year.
I am going to try to remember to review this post at the start of 2022 to see if I was able to stick to my resolutions.
The rowing machine our friends, Al and Michele, got for us is being put to great use. I got off to a VERY slow start. That is partially because I know I am older and cannot start this kind of thing quickly anymore. Also, I procrastinated for a few weeks before getting started using school and work as an excuse to put off the pain. But now I am up and running (figuratively). Today, I hit the lowest end of what is a reasonable workout: 20 minutes at an average rate of over 570 calories per hour. That is really not so great, but at least I am back in the game now. My next immediate goal that I hope to hit in a few months is to row 45 minutes at a calorie average of over 600 calories per hour. It feels weird to set goals that are a lot lower than what I did when I was in my thirties, but it is just the nature of the beast. If/when I can maintain that next goal for a month or two, I would like to start lifting again. I am going five days per week now. Maybe I will back that off to 3-4 days per week when I start lifting, but that is a tale for another day. Of course, this is all God willing.

Our friends, Al and Michele, completely out of the blue, bought us a Concept 2 rowing machine. Lorena and I have both been avid rowers. I actually quit rowing after a good long stint back in about 1994 because we had kids and it was hard to get to the gym without neglecting the family. Lorena started rowing in about 2010 and has never stopped. She did an hour, three days per week for several years, but has settled down to 45 minutes now. She runs for an hour an additional two days per week.
I have now excuse now not to get back in the game. At 65, I know I need to start a little slower than I did in the past. My plan is to start at five minutes and add a minute per day until I get up to 45 minutes and make up the difference walking on the treadmill until I hit my goal.
Kudos go out to the people at Concept 2 who made this device. It is just spectacular. I spent three-quarters of a 45 year career in manufacturing, manufacturing quality, and design for manufacturing. The machine is extremely well made. I understand the difficulty of building something that is easy to assemble, ships in a reasonable size/weight box, and holds up after it is put together by fumble-finger schlubs like me. It took about 15 minutes to assemble after we got the thing unboxed and it is solid as a rock. We have been using it for a couple of weeks and could not be happier. Great product.

My desk cycling was going well enough for me that I decided to talk my friend, Stan, into joining me in my efforts to maintain my weight. To that end, I upgraded my DeskCycle to a DeskCycle 2. I think it has pretty much the same hardware as the old cycle, but a little better display and more accurate measurement of calories expended. I like it a lot. I am going to give the original cycle to Stan and we are going to start tracking weight together. Lorena and I have an anniversary today and Stan is taking the Extra Class Amateur Radio license test this week, so we are going to start our joint efforts on Monday.
The GIF above demonstrates that I move around quite a bit when I am riding, but surprisingly, I can actually get quite a lot of work done when I am riding. I am doing about a couple of hours per day of light peddling and it certainly does seem to help although eating right seems to help a lot more.

I have not written for awhile. It is not that there is not enough time although I work as a principal technical contributor at a high-tech, Boston area startup and have time critical deliveries on an on-going basis. I guess the reason I have not contributed so much is that I do not have very much to say that is of general interest. It has been necessary to have a strong, single-minded focus on my work, but as I approach my one year anniversary, things are getting less chaotic and coming into clearer focus . Maybe it is time now to get back to doing some non-technical/artsy-craftsy stuff. Kelly has started painting watercolor portraits again. Maybe I could dive back into that a little. One thing I know I need to do is start eating better and head down the gym. I have been using my under-desk, stationary cycle and that, I think, has been helping me some. I am still fat, though. I have my annual checkup tomorrow and we will see how I am doing.
The DeskCycle thing continues to work out well for me. Here is my new setup. After using the thing for about a week it came to my attention that I could move the display from its bracket on cycle itself to a desktop stand that was provided for that with a long cable that was also provided.
I think the function to convert cycling times and distances to fitbit steps is not quite right (to my favor in terms of steps per mile, but against my favor in translating how much energy was actually expended–the cycle says I did more than I did. Nevertheless, it is a tremendous help and I am learning how to calibrate my eating to match how much energy I expend on the cycle.
Also, I am getting better at ignoring that I am cycling while I work at the computer. This is still going to take awhile, but I think I will get there. I still need to get a better desk chair and maybe raise the height of the desk a little.
Yesterday was a day of minor setbacks. I lost my glasses in the morning. I was not sure whether I could find replacement, but Whole Foods had a small selection and they were on sale so you can see what I bought in the picture here. Then, on the walk home, I ran to beat a crosswalk light and pulled a hamstring, not horribly, but badly enough that I had to make a decision this morning on whether to walk the three miles to work or call a Lyft. I chose the Lyft, but that might have been a mistake. I definitely need to get into better shape, eat right and take care of myself better in general. A lot of my niggling issues will go away if I just lose the weight (blood pressure, cholesterol, muscle aggravation, etc.).
I walked the 3.1 miles into to work from the hotel again today with a brief stop at the (wildly underwhelming) Whole Foods to buy something for lunch. Last night I did not walk home because we took a colleague who is leaving the company out for dinner and they drove me back to the hotel after because it was raining. So today, depending on the weather, will be my first day to walk both ways.