"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Author: Dad Page 1 of 205

Retirement PhD candidate in Natural Resources at University of Nebraska Lincoln. Married Christian man with two children, homeschool graduates working as (hard) scientists at national labs of renown. Oregonian (family arrived in 1846 along the Applegate Trail). Living and working from home in Washington state. Lived in North Carolina for seven years, Texas several times and South Florida among other places--kids graduated from NCSU, LOVE North Carolina and NCSU, Texas and South Florida). Judo Shodan. Graduate of Oregon State University (B.S. Business Administration, Marketing), Oregon Institute of Technology (A.E. Computer Systems Engineering Technology), University of Texas at El Paso (M.S. Industrial Engineering). Computer Vision Research Consultant. Bilingual English/Spanish.

Happy birthday Kelly!

Lorena and I are grateful for our beautiful daughter every day, but on her birthday, we love to reflect on that spectacular spring morning drive to the hospital and the events that followed. She was born with a full head of dark hair and the bright blue eyes that have never changed. We like to think we did our best as parents, but really, Kelly’s optimistic and energetic disposition made it easy. We pray for daily and thank God that he gave us such a beautiful gift. We are so much more thankful that her love of God continues to grow along with her kindness and good will toward others. Kelly, we love you so much and are so proud of you, not so much for what you have accomplished, although that is pretty spectacular, but for who you are and that you continue to face your challenges with vigor and thoughtfulness.

Starlink installed and running

Our Starlink internet is now installed. We are getting 15-20 megabits upload speeds, but an amazing 350-400 megabits. We hate to be paying half again what we paid for fiber-to-the-house in Texas and about four times what we paid in Mexico for the same speeds, but we are thankful we had any option at all and also thankful not to be using Comcast or Xfinity.

Star Link

Lorena and I drove to the Gum Spring Dollar General on the way home from the train station to pick up our new Star Link antenna. A guy is coming to the house tomorrow to put it up on the roof, run the wire into the house, and set up the modem. I really need good broadband to do my job well because there are such large amounts of data involved. Star Link is kind of a bare minimum, but I think it will be fine. We have heard lots of good reviews from people we trust that it works great.

Kelly’s birthday party

The main reason Lorena and I traveled to Washington, D.C. this weekend was to attend a birthday party for Kelly thrown by her amazing friend group. It was an amazing assembly of highly credentialed and connected people of great good will. The amazing part was the goodness of the will rather than the highness of the credentials and connections although that was impressive, too. We left the party at an appropriate time in concert with my advanced age and Lorena’s predilection for smaller groups, but not before we got a chance to talk to many. We were grateful for her friend group before the party based on the little we knew about all but a few of the attendees. We were much more grateful after the party because we saw that Kelly is very much far from being alone and lonely. That has not always been true in her short life. We arrived home with a great sense of gratitude for that new knowledge.

To D.C. and back by train

We just returned from our first train trip from Richmond up Washington, D.C. to visit Kelly and back home. It went swimmingly. We are looking forward to doing it again soon. The next trip, though, is a plane flight up to New York City to visit Christian. So far this is all working out well.

Ashland to DC: First trip

Lorena and I got on the train in Ashland, VA just now and are headed to DC. We are both convinced it will probably be easier next time to start from Richmond. Really looking forward to spending the weekend with Kelly and her friends.

Making some important connections in Virginia

We found a spectacularly good Italian restaurant right up the road from us. We hope to be there often.

Happy birthday Tío Lynn

Christian took this picture from the front of the house on the hill in San Pedro, looking out through what we hope will be a two-car garage at Tío Lynn’s car parked on the street in front. It should be noted that that the car is just as beautiful on the inside as on the outside. We loved our time in Mexico with Lynn and love working with him on the houses. Here is wishing him a very happy birthday!!!

First floor up the hill

Here is an image of the first floor on the house “up the hill” in San Pedro in its current state, just for reference. The plan is to finish that first floor to the point where it is livable and safe from the weather, then move down to the basement to finish that off so we can both have a space for ourselves and for visitors while the rest of the house is being completed.

The house on the hill

Tío Lynn is working hard on the house on the hill to the point where the first floor is almost livable. Really, this has become and art project for him and we could not be happier about it. The range of skills to create this project is broad and, by the nature of the building, sometimes it is necessary to go back a step or two when unforeseen things are discovered or when a new idea requires some adjustments to previously complete elements of the house. We have figured out that this project is going to take two to three years to accomplish, not so much for lack of resources, but so there is time to think and let the ideas percolate between steps. I will put up some images of the house in progress over the next few blog posts.

Lorena la plomera #2

Lorena has moved from fixing toilets to installing washing machines and she owes it all the the fact that I am too fat to sit on the washing machine without denting it. She did a fabulous job.

Missing México

Man, I miss México. It was an awesome thing to have Lynn with us many if not most evenings to describe México and cultura Mexicana. From life in the working class Mexican neighborhood of the apartments, to the doings of the cartels in places like Culiacán, Durango, Jalisco, and the individual neighborhoods close to us, to the culture of the albañiles who remodeled the apartments and are remodeling our house on the hill to the neighborhood convenience store that was willing to sell us a single egg or a single stick of celery. We are grateful for our seven months in México and are very much looking forward to spending some months every year with our family in Nuevo Leon.

Tío Lynn and chuletón

We are missing México right now. Especially we are missing Grandma Conchita, Tío Lynn, and all the really cheap red meat. That one inch thick steak Lynn is holding is all of the ribeye and an additional strip next to the ribeye that we bought for around $5/pound. Most of all we miss Lynn’s stories about his legal work and his encyclopedic knowledge of all things related to the culture and current doings of the Mexican narcotrafficantes.

Narrow staircase

The one “feature” of our house that we have not really figured out yet is the narrow, no-landing staircase that leads to the second floor. Putting big stuff up on the second floor would require us to get a lift or a boom of some kind and passing them through an upstairs window because some of the stuff we have will not fit through the stairway openings. It is hassle more than cost, but it made us realize that there are only two of us and it makes sense to live on the first floor and use the upstairs for visitors. To that end, we have decided to eliminate a few things, put up a couple of walls to create a downstairs office, finish out our bonus room upstairs with a mini-split so that we can cool and heat a single room rather than the entire second floor, and then just use the upstairs for when the kids come and to maybe do exercises and watch movies in the bonus room.

The stuff arrived

The truck from Texas arrived and was unloaded yesterday. As always, there was a lot of broken stuff. With so much experience moving around, you would think we would have this all figured out. Actually, maybe we do have it figured out. Things will go wrong. At any rate, everything is in the house and in the garage. Now all we need is a few months to get everything put into place.

Viral tweet: Dad art

Kelly got over 100,000 likes for this tweet. Enough said.

Two more days until the stuff arrives

Lorena and I have been just hanging out in the house waiting for the moving truck to arrive and for broadband internet. We got notice a couple of days that the truck broke down and heard yesterday it will be two days late. If we had comfortable chairs here, that would not be so bad, but we do not. As for the broadband internet, we are still in limbo, but hope to learn next week whether any of the cable companies are willing to pull wire to our house. If they do not, our only option will be StarLink. It is a little slow and a little expensive, but we can survive with that.

Lorena’s breakfast

Lorena has eaten a breakfast of 60 calorie Dave’s Killer Bread toast, a soft boiled egg, homemade no-sugar added applesauce, and a cup of coffee for years and years. We know we are getting settled into a new place when she can start doing that without too much trouble. We are almost there. As soon as the truck gets here, she can convert the apples to applesauce!

Sheep next door

Our new house is next door to what I think is just a hobby farm. The have sheep and chickens we have been enjoying very much. So far we have only seen a couple of sheep–a white one and a brown one so maybe they are a 4-H project. That almost makes it better if that is true. We cannot wait until our moving truck gets here so we can use our binoculars to get a little better luck.

The tractor for the truck with all our stuff broke down so it will not arrive until Sunday or Monday (hopefully) rather than tomorrow as previously planned. A minor setback.

The house on the hill in San Pedro continues forward

I am putting this picture of the house further up the hill from the apartments to show that its progress continues to move forward even though it is at a bit of a slow pace. All the apartments but one down the hill are now leased for a couple of years and Lynn is working to fill the last one. The next step is to sell the apartments to get some resources to go forward up the hill and purchase another property in the same zone to just keep going. It is an amazing amount of fun to see the progress.

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