"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

How to be a REAL rebel on campus — revisiting the Commie Professor

Day 954 of 1000

The commie professor comes up in conversationI like to read the Thinking Christian blog.  There are some blog posts there about a recent movie that featured a college Philosophy professor who asked all his students to state their unbelief in God.  Some contrary commenters to those poses objected to this portrayal as, in a rough paraphrase, an unfair stereotype.  The blog author rightly stated that the movie is a work of fiction and so what.

I agree with that assessment, but at the same time, it reminded me of the blog posts I put up here about Kelly’s and Christian’s “commie professor” for Freshman Composition.  I think they were the only ones in their class who consistently argued against this professors laughable logic.  There were a few who agreed with them but did not say anything.  There were others that agreed with the professor most of the time, but with Kelly and Christian on a few things.

This professor was anti-God, anti-gun, pro-abortion, anti-traditional marriage, pro-drug legalization, etc., etc.  It does not take much effort on most college campuses to take those positions.  All you have to do is go along with the zeitgeist.  If you want to be a rebel, you need to stand with the opposite of all those positions.  I went to college in the mid-1970’s.  Not much has really changed.  The people who think they are free-thinking, inclusivist rebels aren’t.

Betty Blonde #96 – 11/27/2008
Betty Blonde #96
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There is some stuff we do not know and that is OK


Interesting people on the airplane


  1. Jon

    Ken, At the top of this entry, it reads “954 of 1,000” meaning that there are 46 more days until that countdown in finished. 1,000 – 954 = 46, right? .(last I knew). But your counter near the top right of your blog page, which I like almost as much as your blog, says there are only 36 days left on the countdown. What happens during those other ten days?? Maybe a prolonged celebration? I’m suspecting it’s for a long-deserved 10-day hibernation!!

  2. Jon

    P. S. I only got 94% in math on my college entrance exam (under an old system, way back in ‘73), so I could be missing an algorithm or a theorem or a….

  3. Dad

    Well, I am glad someone finally noticed! The count down thing is for official graduation day set by NCSU while the 1000 days goes back to one time when everyone was really a little down and we decided we needed to have a few good goals to achieve. They include graduation, summer internships, putting the house on the marketing, me getting a job in the West, and a few more things like that. We figured we could meet our goals and deal with just about anything for a period of 1000 days. I know it is a little bit arbitrary, but that is what it is. Actually, we are pretty much on track with some minor quibbles for all the 1000 day stuff!

  4. Jon

    Fantastic! Keep up the good work!

    Will we see you later on this year? CA conv? OR conv? I’m to be at Saginaw 2 and Boring 2.

  5. Dad

    Casa Grande I! I thought I saw you on the list. Lorena, but not the kids.

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