"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

A fine weekend in North Carolina

Finally, it seems likes life is taking on a semblance of normalcy.  This weekend Lorena, Kelly, Christian, and I drove around a little to get our bearings, ate out a lot (too much) and just kind of relaxed.  On Friday night we went to watch Kelly’s new little friend play tennis.  Saturday, we started off the day at Biscuitville.  Can you imagine that.  They have a place here called Biscuitville.  Guess what they serve–biscuits and gravy. And they are very, very good. How am I going to stand any chance at all against Bryan with a place called Biscuitville right around the corner.  The worst part is that Biscuitville is a chain.  We live two blocks from Biscuitville #175.  All is lost.  Bryan.  I am now at -6.  Not bad, really, for having sat in a car for almost ten days with no exercise and only fast food to eat.  I am game to start weighing in again on Fridays if you are. 

Next, we drove down to a little town called Holly Springs to visit their public library because the one in our town of Apex is closed for a couple more weeks for renovation.  Then we drove to a mall in the town of Cary that was not so satisfying, so we drove to another one in Durham that was WAY to satisfying.  It was huge and beautiful with a two story Barnes and Noble.  Lorena shopped while Christian, Kelly, and I read.  On Sunday, we went to dinner after meeting with a new Mexican friend from Guanajuato and our other new friends Tom and Elda.  Tonight, Robert Flippo and Kevin Kellam are coming for dinner after which we will go with them to a Spanish language bible study.


Happy 54th Wedding Anniversary


We have an offer on the house


  1. Dad Dad Dad. You can work off the extra pounds you gained at Buiscutville by walking the two blocks back to our house!! Then, convince the chain to build a Buiscutville right across the street from Mr. Joyce’s house!!!

  2. Audrey

    Oooooh, I like the way she thinks. I get dibs on Kelly as my hired help as soon as the “chocolate factory is up and running, and you are willing to let her spend some time in Indiana!

  3. Audrey

    Scratch that, maybe I need her for a consultant of some sort. But still in Indiana!

  4. I would like to be payed in truffles. 🙂

  5. Dad

    A great idea! I think Audrey should build her next factory at a very strategic and specific location across the street from a LARGE customer base in Newberg, Oregon. Large does not necessarily mean a lot of people!

  6. Audrey

    Hey, Hey, Hey, my truffles aren’t fattening, Ken! Have you not read all the studies about dark chocolate and how good it is for you? I think everyone ought to eat at least one per day! One box of truffles or just or one truffle? You decide! 🙂

  7. ChrIstian

    I think two would be better for dad. :mrgreen:

  8. I STILL have a better smiley database than you 🙂 🙂 🙂 😀 😀 😀 🙁 🙁
    😮 😮 😮 😯 😯 😯 😕 😕 😕
    8) 😎 😎 😡 😡 😡 😛 😛 😛
    😐 😐 😐 😉 😉 😉 😆 😳
    😥 👿 😈 🙄 ❗ ❓
    💡 ➡ :mrgreen:

  9. Bryan Joyce

    think i’ll buy stock in Biscuitville!
    margins must be HUGE!

    I’m at -12 still

  10. JoAnn Waldo

    Oh groan…what is this world coming to? A biscuitville? I imagine Jim and Lyle will have their bags packed as soon as they hear that! We sure are missing you in the meetings. Jim and Dana moved into the Weld Bible study this next week. We will miss them…it seems that we all fit together so well in the meeting. Last wed we had everyone come for raspberry shortcake…we picked the berries and I made the shortcakes and a hugemungious bowl of whipped cream. We lit the torches and ate outside on the deck! It was fun! It was fun chatting with you Kelly! What is happening with the house?

  11. Dad

    OK, bud we are on again. At least I won’t have Jim and JoAnn’s good cooking to contend with anymore and thankful the truffles are safely 12 hours away in Indiana. Audrey’s claim that they aren’t fattening seems somewhat dubious. Something that tastes that good HAS to be fattening!

  12. Audrey

    Okay, I hate to break it to intelligent men, but the low fat diet people have it all wrong chemically. My high school chemistry teacher taught us (backed up with stuff I’ve forgotten now) that it is easier for the human body to turn sugar and simple carbohydrates into fat than it is to turn (animal) fat into fat. So therefore you can eat my truffles all day long with almost no reprocussions because while they have cream, most have NO sugar added, only the very little that comes in very, very dark chocolate. Add that knowledge to your dieting attempts and see where it gets you. (Sorry no more biscuits!)

  13. Dad

    Man, I hope they have a truffleville around here somewhere!

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