Check out the latest and greatest Kaktus Kids ‘zine! Read it and chuckle in your superior way if you are adults or send it to the kids who matter in your life! Don’t forget to send in a picture or poem or a piece of pumpkin pie! In this issue we have a cool poem by one of our dear Texas friends, a cool Chinese rice bowl recipe, how to draw Kaktus Komix characters, funny photos, a story preview, and much much more! Be sure to check it out!

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In other news (actually the same news)…

if you read this blog (which your probably do) y’all know that we are moving! Perhaps you have done some extensive research on some aspect of our move and, if in fact you DO read this blog, you know that we will be traveling for at least 10 hours a day in a minivan cram packed with cats, energy bars, books on tape AAAAAND, probably, the laptop, then you will almost certainly come to the conclusion that the editor and reporter (ahem, Kelly and Christian) will have tons of time to work on the way cool summer issue of Kaktus Kids! Be expecting a biiiiig issue everyone! Just in case we run out of material though, it wouldn’t hurt to send us a little poem or a story or a picture or two… 🙂